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Everything posted by Tiddly2winks

  1. We know that permanent residency is unlikely as we’re over 50. We’re lucky we’re here at all! We are here until at least 2021 under our 457 visa though. That’s another 4 years. Dad will probably have passed by then. I expect hubby’s company will try to renew his visa too. We have discussed how we feel at length. It’s likely, with the way I feel at the moment ,that I’ll go back without hubby and I’ll somehow live and work in both places alternately. I’m just looking for an un-emotional opinion which yours is. Thank you. It’s focussed me a bit.
  2. My hubby and I moved out to Melbourne a year ago. Essentially we’re following his dream. He originally emigrated 30 years ago but his first wife went home after 9 months and he followed her back. After his son moved out here, married an Aussie and had our grandson, we agreed we’d try to emigrate if we could. So here we are on a 457 visa having relocated with hubbys work. We’ve both got good jobs and are settled in a lovely house. We see hubbys son and our grandson often although they live in Queensland and we live in Melbourne. Hubby loves it. I quite like it too but I’m sooo homesick. I miss my two daughters (27 and 30). I desperately miss my 3 year old grandaughter and I constantly worry about my elderly parents. They aren’t married any longer. One is 88 the other 96. I go back home for a week every few months but I feel I need to be there permanently. My daughters seem to be struggling emotionally without me. What to do?
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