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Everything posted by Nizzlers

  1. Hi This situation might be so specific to me and my partner that no-one else has been through this experience before but if anyone has any advice for planning a wedding in Italy, I'd be very grateful. My girlfriend and I are planning to get married in Italy next year. We're British citizens and have PR. We're currently waiting on Oz citizenship and should know some time next year. We've hit a stumbling block in that we need either a CNI from the UK or a Nulla Osta from Rome, but to get either of those takes time and going back to complete in person, and it's unfortunately time we can't afford to take in terms of work and money, and in addition to the time we set out for the wedding with work. However we understand, that as permanent residents, we may be able to get a CNI from the DFAT over here. Has anyone had experience of this? Or know someone who has been in a similar situation? Any advice will be greatly appreciated Thanks
  2. hi me, my partner and my partner's sister are all applying for citizenship. We live in Sydney and the sister in Melbourne. Does anyone know if it'd be possible all us three to attend the same ceremony? or as the ceremonies are organised by local councils, is that not possible as we live in different cities and councils? thanks
  3. Thanks Alan and Keith - this is great. I'll look more into this and if I have further questions, I'll be in contact. Really appreciate it.
  4. hi all I am looking for some advice about making a will. Me and my partner are both British and live in Sydney. We are permanent residents and just had a little girl over here, hence the need to get my backside in gear and make a will. I have property and assets in the UK and assets in Australia. Do I need to make a will in both countries or would making a will in Australia be enough? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Cheers.
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