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Posts posted by MAKhan

  1. PI think there are some things which are beyond your control. To launch an application it is your desire to give the visa. It is not in your control. If you have provided them all the documents required and you have come up to their standard,you will Be granted the visa. Where the the stress is , relax and enjoy your life. If you get excellent if you don’t than haven is not going to fall.

    my suggestions is put in your best and leave the result on God and that is all you can do.

    i wish you a happy and comfortable life where ever you are.



  2. Please be careful in sending all the documents completely. Read carefully what immigration department asked you and than complete 100%, do not miss anything. Normally Nikkah mama is in Urdu but registrar has the English form also. Get Urdu and English form of Nikka Nama, filled at the same time. Any documents other than English language. It has to be translated into English signed by the rotary. Marriage certificate of Nadra and registrar are two different. You have to submit Nakka Nama and all other documents asked by them. Tally documents with check list strictly and than submit.

  3. I'm planning to send an email to NSW PSE, been waiting for 9month no news

    No news is a good news. Australian visa means patience. Once you receive confirmation of your documents received by the immigration department than you have to wait and relax till the time you get your visa from the their side. I can only suggest otherwise no use of burning yourself. It is their procedure, you have only to relax and wait. I wish you the best of luck.
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  4. What’s your timeline & occupation.

    There are some limitations on processing visa. If something is in my hand I know what to do but if some one else has to process they have to move under certain rules and regulations. We have no control over it. You have applied let them work and you enjoy a sound sleep till the time you hear a good news about your visa grant. There is no use burning your blood, relax and enjoy.
  5. I think, if at all some one has to come on contributory parent visa than he/she come on 143. Perhaps every thing count after you become the PR. 173 is temporary residence visa. Most of the benefit you get after you become permanent Resident. Moreover you have to apply with in Two years for visa 143 once you are on visa 173 and this is not extendable. You have to leave the country with in 28 days. The money you spent on visa 173 will be waisted. Your 10 years period to get pension of AOS support start once

  6. If the waiting period is 14 months for citizenship than perhaps patients should be shown. You can not fight with rules and regulations. There might be certain checks and balances. On every case might be different, in some people cases may take less time and in some cases more time. I think once the department acknowledged the receipt of your documents than wait till the time your waiting period is completed. You will receive the reply automatically in this period, so don’t get frustrated, relax and enjoy your life.

  7. Sometime I think, you pay, perhaps $48000 and AOS $ 10000 per person, now a days, after meeting other tough conditions of 50 percent children should be citizen or PR of Australia, meeting other condition of medical and police certificates etc, etc. All it involves money and what you get in return from Australian gov Medicare and can do the job or can run a business. You have a very less chance of getting a job as your are almost touching or above 60 years of age. Your foreign experience don’t count unless or otherwise you have local experience and have done some certification or diploma from local institution, even then you have a little chance of getting the job.
    Now I compare with parent and contributory parent immigration.
    Parents want to immigrate to live closer to their children as their children had gone to Australia and are contributing something in the development of Australia. The parents and children can’t come and go to see their love ones very off and on as they will be facing difficulty in getting the visa and can’t offered the expenditure of travelling.
    My question, if on parent visa you pay less fee but time period is more but in contributory visa more the money you pay but lesser the visa period. Parents visa gets social security benefit after two years where as contributory parents pay more money and wait for 10 years to get the benefit. I think after paying large amount they should also get the social security benefit after two years of their stay In Australia, this should be on humanitarian ground as they have very less time left over to spend with their children. Please for give me if could not explain my thought properly due to my language problem.

  8. Assurance of support period is too long that is 10 years. It is a great responsibility on person providing assurance of support, in most of the cases I have seen the visa holder pay themselves but it will be on the name of the person providing AOS. Let us say of visa holder is not capable of earning and he can’t meet his day to day expenditure than the responsibilities of providing boarding and lodging is of the person providing AOS. In case the person who provided AOS become jobless and don’t have any money to support them. They can request the Centrelink after seeing their circumstances they may grant them some money but it it will be recovered from the person providing AOS when ever he start earning. Centrelink will not provide till the time 10 years period is completed even if you become the citizenship. This is a very tough condition. In normal circumstances if you come on parent visa after two years you start getting the benefits of Centrelink probably if you are without a job.
    My understanding is that no one should give AOS unless or otherwise he has a lot of money to support them for 10 years.
    Amber has explained very well. I suffered as I could not get the properly understanding about Visa 143. Before applying

  9. Please keep in mind one thing more. If immigration have given you 28 days they want the required documents to be received by them before the expiry of 28 days.
    What happened to me, I deposited my documents for visa 143 through post 10 days earlier than the expiry date. It did not reach to them within that period,though non fault of me but my visa was refused. I had to go in the appeal thus wastage of time and money therefore This my request to you is, to ensure your documents reach with in time period to avoid complications.

  10. Please keep in mind one thing more. If immigration have given you 28 days they want the required documents to be received by them before the expiry of 28 days.

    What happened to me, I deposited my documents for visa 143 through post 10 days earlier than the expiry date. It did not reach to them within that period,though non fault of me but my visa was refused. I had to go in the appeal thus wastage of time and money therefore This my request to you is, to ensure your documents reach with in time period to avoid complications.


  11. I think before applying check your documents many time, go through the instruction very very carefully, meet their requirement, not yours. They see documentation according to their laid down procedure. If you miss one, it means delay in process or it might go again in Q. I believe, if your documents are complete and you meet Australian requirement than don’t bother about any thing. You will get the reply in your own turn. You have to control your emotion. It is their procedure, not yours. They can grant the visa they can refuse it also but you should 100 percent complete your things and do not let the things on chance. Don’t ask irrelevant things like who is your case officer. It will not have any effect on you. I think that way. Wait and see the period of process and after that you may ask the status of your application.

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