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Posts posted by Itraf

  1. We were given quotation 90000 for ordering of modular home 40m2 made from corrugated iron and wood frame, board interior walls. The first quotation 40000 but with electric and water it went to this when I mentioned fhog. This is in Tasmania. It is very expensive so we are deciding to leave, very little work and dislike to foreigners and main land people they call them invasion. Mainland cheaper for build because not having to import material over Bass strait.

    Be careful also when purchase land and also house. No vendor disclose.

  2. my friend asked me a question but I did not know the answer.

    I think It is difference in language or phrases or sense of humour.

    she is living in very small town almost village in Australia. The local woman whose family were the first people to create the village in 1800s said to her on many occasion:

    "I thought you had left the town"

    then recently she said This again and my friend replied:

    "I still live here, it must be a mistake"

    the woman replied:

    "no It is not a mistake, it Is a fact, you have left This town."

    I don't understand the phrase.


  3. On ‎17‎/‎06‎/‎2019 at 04:24, Dm1 said:


    I am grateful for being here.

    i don't want to.be a turf trotter, looking always for verdant pastures and complaining when there is a dry outback field!

    to help me do.so i think the following:

    when in Rome

    In UK there are too many people

    in Australia the people say what they think, they are usually honest in opinion, even if this hurts, at least i know where i stand.

    in UK people are always talking about money, mortgage, pensions, the weather, tv, here the people talk about the price of sheep, super, the Footie, the weekend camping, beer, barbique and the weather!

    here the weather is better!

    there is good team spirit in Australia

    in UK its ok to boast, in Australia if you boast you get told figjam which i thought was a preserve!

    in Australia if you complain you are whining and in UK it is seen as conversation

    in UK people are better read and more academic with sense of history, in Australia i.have found that people think Chaucer is a brand for chainsaw! So i read alone and talk about footie in conversation, And barbique!

    but in all, when we travel and move things are always different so we must embrace this fact! When in Rome

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  4. 58 minutes ago, Toots said:



    Is it hard in rural towns normally in Australia? They must stay put for a year. I worry but give consolation, but not sure what advice I can give.


  5. I love Australia and it Is a land of a multitude of cultures, geography, fauna, flora and ancient civilization. New and old cities, history, advances in medicine, different ideas in politics, old fashioned in rural places, above all, it is the land of fair go.

    we intend to see the entire continent!

    so far I have learned:

    it Is best not to whine or complain

    fix It yourself or "suck it up"!

    be self sufficient

    not to try too hard to make friends or it becomes a false friendship and you may seem the desperate one, keep it natural

    enjoy the beauty, the visits to ancient lands of the aboriginals

    enjoy the fresh food and produce. See where it Is grown.

    try to adapt language and dress code and customs, "when in Rome"

    enjoy the humour

    appreciate the direct honesty even sometimes if it hurts

    smile more

    whine less

    be grateful

    work hard

    be a good citizen

    learn to make pavlova, barbique, Learn the wines, shiraz grown in hot south, cool climate sparkling, the original wineries in Australia.

    learn to laugh at yourself

    Learn the law, ie not like uk where you can pick fruit from a branch overhanging into a street! Park only one way on one side, not two ways! Not collect shells from beach, not pick flower public park etc

    rent for a few years to see if you like the area

    join a volunteer group

    these can get you through the hardships whilst allowing to enjoy life and contribute in whatever way you can positively.

    • Like 2
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  6. conclusion:

    40 days before the end of our lease we were sent a notice to not renew our lease!

    Our complaining to the rental agency backfired. We moved all our belongings safely to storage, we spent five weeks searching for a rental property. It seemed as though the agent had put a bad note to our name. Finally we camped for a week before finding a temporary rental for a few months at a great expense, finally to ease the situation we relocated to another city where we found somewhere to rent.

    so the moral to the story as we have been told is "suck it up"! Do not complain to the rental agency as this can cause severe problems with future renting. Any problems, bear it and move quietly.

    complaining made future renting extremely difficult.

    • Sad 1
  7. a friend has asked me for advice, she and her husband moved to a small very small town in a rural area for his work.

    she has struggled to find long term work as it is a holiday destination and casual seasonal work is all she has been able to obtain.

    I have not had experience in this situation and wondered if anyone has who can provide some advice.

    she is a family friend and we have known each other since childhood so we have always been in touch with our travels and work news. she is an administrator by profession and has always secured good jobs.

    at present her (Australian) husband has secured a good job which has allowed them to experience life out of the city.

    but with this has come loss of job security and identity for my friend. In addition she has been taken out of her "work comfort zone" by having to do physically hard menial jobs such as cleaning and dish washing jobs. This has not put her off despite developing chronic pain in her arms. What has been the issues she has found challenging are:

    a) loneliness. Unable to make friends as the locals have not been friendly. She has tried but it makes it worse trying as they ask her why she has come here and have told her she will not find work. She the spends long hours alone. She keeps fit by long walks and cleaning their house and keeping the garden neat. Preparing her husband's meals and laundering and chores about the house. His work.boss and wife have not made her welcome, she is always polite and friendly but is finding things hard this way.

    b) they have no children

    c) work: First job she was asked what shifts she wanted dish cleaning and she said during the week. When the shift manager asked her what day her husband had off, she replied Sunday. From that time the.only shifts she was given.were Sundays! She left that job and got another but it was physically too hard. She secured another job but when the season ended that did too. Then interviews for admin positions but no.luck. She has been told by locals that she has "run.out of options" for work as it is a small place so she started a small business to look after holiday rentals but due to.local competition cannot get any work and a bit of hostility as she is on their "turf". So that has stagnated.

    d) she has no.family having lost her family when we were younger and so.i have always helped her and looked after her and my wife has helped her too and they are good friends. We have been to visit them but it is very far so.only.once (8 hr flight then 3 hr drive). We stay in touch regularly.

    e) I worry that she is becoming down.in spirit. She does not know how to rectify things. She has spoken to.her husband and he says he is finding it hard too. He finds locals are unfriendly and so she gets no solution from him.

    f) his parents have berated her, saying she is useless and lazy not working and told her she cant live off their son which has added to the upset. So a financial pressure as well as emotions.

    has anyone coped in This situation and what tips can you offer.

    thank you in advance😊


  8. should we type a letter to him outlining that he must leave us alone?

    has anyone an idea on what we could write that would not cause us legal issues etc

    the agency and owner would like to keep him there as he is useful for DIY on the cheap

    we are seen as the problem for complaining and we dont want to add to this image

    the agency has said that no one else has complained (probably they realised that it would not get them anywhere!)

    they can get any tenant in after us 

    we dont want to move and we would like to make our boundaries clear to ensure that we can go about our everyday life without interference from someone who is lonely, bored and wants to create problems. 


  9. thank you for your advice, it is difficult as he is an old man and already the agency are saying that my wife is the problem and that there is nothing wrong with the man.

    we are very careful in how we do this and maybe if we video each encounter with the man that will cover us as he is able to create the impression that we are the problem and not him.

    a video is evidence we are not the problem. 



  10. we have tried the agency first as a precaution in case the old man says we are causing him problems.

    my wife was very direct in saying 'go away' 'leave me alone'

    he responded by hitting our floor board from below and starting up loud machinery. 

    the agency are yet to address the problem of this 

  11. this is our story

    we moved in a month ago

    there is a single old man living in the adjoining unit.

    he does maintenance on the property which consists of five units. all are rented out through the same agency. he has a workshop underneath all the units in the basement.

    he was initially very helpful wanting to help us with any DIY things around the place.

    my wife is not working and I am. since I am away during the day he has taken to coming round to our flat on a regular basis.my wife tries to keep the contact brief, saying she is going somewhere or on the phone etc. however she cannot leave the door open when she is at home as he simply knocks and walks in, not waiting for her to go to the door. she has found this an intrusion as it is nice not to have to lock doors all the time. one time she found him in the kitchen. she had been preparing a curry and had popped into our living room and came back into the kitchen and there he was! she got a fright.

     initially his popping round was not a problem but recently he wont leave her alone and anytime he sees her at home he visits

    Imust add that when i am there he does not do this as much, it is very often when my wife is at home.

    I have to say that when he visits, he stands and stares at her each time. he carries a heavy walking stick. which looks more like a truncheon than a stick.

    he is quite strong physically and recently his manner has become agressive.

    one time he was waving his stick around and it nearly hit my wife. he said "oh I nearly hit you"  and laughed.

    every weekend when we go out he demands to know where we are going or where we have been.

    anytime my wife goes out alone he demands to know where she is going.

    he has come round at night 8pm twice for no reason at all. it appears he is nosy and wants to see what we are doing. it has interrupted my office

    work which i take home with me and our evening meal.

    he has tried to find excuses to do DIY inside our flat but we have declined as we do not want him in there.

    this past week has been a problem as he disturbed my wife on four occasions. in two days.

    the first she was in the unit, the back door was open,and he came round. she said she was busy and after standing there and staring at her,he eventually left. a few hours later she was at the front of the house on our patio and he walked up onto the patio and near to her. he stood staring and holding his stick.

    anyway when he walked onto patio she told him to please leave as she was busy and did not want to be disturbed. he would not leave and continued to stand there staring at her. after countless requests he would not leave. so she had to tell him to 'go away leave me alone'.  she was a bit distressed by this. after about five "go aways" he left.

    that evening we then blocked off the entrance to our patio so he could not get onto it.

    the following day my wife was on the patio doing some studies. he came round. he could not get onto our patio as it was blocked it off. he started to shout at her, calling out her name and shouting "let me on". he was waving his stick.

    it was strange behaviour and so she went into the unit and locked herself in the house to get away from him. after about five  minutes he went underneath our unit where he has a workshop and started to hit our floor boards with something hard. possibly his walking stick.

    my wife was doing some washing up in the sink and she heard loud banging sounds, he was hitting the pipes from the sink. underneath.

    where ever she walked he hit underneath, she went to the water closet and he hit under there, he then started up a tool or machine which was very noisy and so my wife went out as it was very noisy. she had to do this carefully so he did not see her leaving. she felt stessed from this. 

    we have contacted the agency three or four times. they say he is a sweet old man etc and despite my wife finding him strange and she does find his visits stressing, the agency say he is a lovely old man. they have said we can move out if we dont like it, but we like the property and moving is going to be time consuming and expensive.

    the only problem is this man invading our privacies. why must we move, why cant they simply make the request for him to cease visiting up and stressing my wife and interfering in our privacies.

  12. can someone advise us with the problems we are experiencing with an elderly neighbour.

    he is showing invasion of our privacy, noise, persistent visits to us which are unwanted.

    especially when my wife is alone there. 

    we have contacted the agency and they have contacted the owner. but the man continues on the same path 

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