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Posts posted by Jay2016

  1.  The thing is, people who prefer a quiet life don't understand what you're talking about. Where you see buzz, they see crowds and stress!
    I talk about my niece (and me) not liking Perth because it's too quiet, and instantly I'm inundated with people telling me there's "lots to do".   But when they say that, they're missing the point.  
    It's not just about having things to do, it's about atmosphere.  There are some cities which just feel exciting to be in, and others which feel like you're under a blanket.  People who like a quiet life probably love the secure feeling of being under the blanket, whereas those of us who like the "buzz" just feel suffocated. 

    I hear that Australia has the electric garage door syndrome.... Where you go from you're Aircon car into your house and you never see our speak to your neighbors. Or cities without the buzz like in England (not the same drinking culture after work) .... Thing is it is horses for courses, I'd love an electric garage door, think I like my own company toooooo much toooooo lol
  2. I find it good to focus the brain this way, if somehow the option to move(/stay) in either Australia or to the UK was removed - which option would you truly be more upset about? If you're truly honest with yourself you'll find the answer.

    SOOOOO TRUE! imagine opening a letter that stated "You're residence in xxxxx has now been terminated, you have 14 days to leave" heart pounding, blood racing..... Which is the worst option? A Friend of mine rents a 4bed bungalow with a pool for less than 300 £/MTH (what's that 530 $/MTH) in Chiang Mai, no beaches) just an example; he's English but there's plenty of Oz expats the too.... As much as I'd love the Oz weather (I live in London) I couldn't afford too but Thailand appeals given that level.... More ramblings sorry
  3. It is certainly not for everyone.  I am sitting now on my deck (near Brisbane) and it is 32C.  There is a pleasant breeze and it is not very humid simply because we have had little or no rain this month......and not a single thunderstorm of note, unusually.
    I wouldn’t live here without effective aircon though.  I don’t use it all the time but short bursts in the late afternoon to bring the temperature down indoors.  Then when the sun is down open up doors and windows and use a couple of fans too.
    Unless I am on the golf course or umpiring cricket matches I rarely spend time in the sun in summertime between 9am and 4pm as it gets uncomfortable but the shade temperature suits me fine.

    When I stayed in Brisbane (albeit during the winter July 18 and it was generally cold) I was told by my hosts how in summer the sun goes down the time you get home from work GREAT!! Then the mossies come out to play, so by all means open the doors turn on the fans, save the bankruptcy of the Aircon BUT make sure those screen doors are shut tight! If you're into gardening then you have one hour at 4am to do it better the sun peaks the skin from your body (I guess that's why I noticed lovely huge houses with tiny tiny gardens) then it's Scorchio by 5/6am but good to get outside before work if you can. Though alas not near a beach (my preference) hence why swooping London/Essex for Brisbane never quite made it off the ground. London to sunshine coast or gold coast.... Now that could work lol if there was work for an accountant type. My Ex has made it with though!! having recently gained her citizenship and moved from Brisbane to sunshine coast (after years of trying to get to sunshine coast at weekends along with everyone else! And getting stuck in the carpark of the M1 I think) she's now renting up on paradise and will flip houses with her inheritance..... That's living the dream. Apologies for my ramblings
  4. It's not so much that it's relentless, it's the level of humidity that's the killer.  30 degrees in Adelaide would be lovely because it's a dry heat.  30 degrees in Sydney or Brisbane and I'd be hiding in the air conditoining because it feels so unpleasant.   Of course, in both you'd get severe sunburn if you went out without 50+ sunscreen, hat etc.

    Oooh Adelaide!!!? Now there's a place that's not been on my radar. I really fancied Sunshine Coast but no jobs for me alas and even Brisbane, as better as the London (ish) commute would be, its not tempted me to swop. I live in London (on the very edge to be fair) but never have I commuted in and I think no pay rise would ever convince me either so I never did swop the Aircon drive to work (nicely paid but stressful for a good company) for a "better" climate longer hours much less pay Oz life! More to life than work I suppose however I guess the pull wasn't strong enough....yet. apologize for my ramblings.
  5. Hi ya thanks for your reply sounds like we're doing a swop lol I'm a financial controller. Live in Essex, no ties so was thinking if I move it would be cheaper living (rent a room in shared via Gumtree etc) until I'm established and look for temporary work, part time. So a career backwards step but that's the price of lifestyle choice I guess. Plus I reckon work ain't so plentiful until you get your foot in the door and not being native probably doesn't help. BUT the otherside side of the coin is in settled in a good job, secure etc so why risk it?! You tried it for 13yrs!! Dual citizenship now? Yet STILL coming home to UK? That concerns me. Though you're not the only one.
    Best of luck though. Hey perhaps do a job swop lol

  6. But you know in yourself where home is and Australia has left me a bit hollow in that respect, once the 'holiday' ended. Good luck with your move Lady T.

    I hear alot or I perceive it anyway about how hollow Oz leaves people feeling.
    This post is interesting to me as I'm mid 40s with a visa whose travel portion is soon to run out. Nothing particularly to leave the UK for and nothing particularly drawing me to Oz. Except no ties, you only have one life, I like the beach and sunbathing and water based activity (scuba, Kitesurfing) but equally like chill-laxing watching a box set. I look at Oz houses ask the time thinking wow the size!! But they all look HOLLOW. tiny rear gardens with tin fences HOLLOW.i do like the clean minimalist look though. Plus I like my own space so provided you can watch box sets and movies that would be the escape from terrible Oz TV.
    I'm babbling now as not sure where my reply is going lol.
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  7. Hi FeralBeryl, what a funny username LOVE IT. scene!  Well!  I'm a mid40's singleton, nothing to tie me to UK apart from a handful of very good friends [no family really] & a comfort zone due to my job.  I have a degree in engineering and now a qual. Accountant working as a Financial Controller in industry.  I enjoy [no change that! I appreciate rather than enjoy] my job [people, environment, commute, pays well, in my comfort zone which counters the stressful, busy days].  The other thing to tie me to the UK is "my comfort zone", ie financially secure, done want for much, sneek off to the gym at lunchtimes, chill at home watching movies, game of thrones, surf the web, faff-around....chill-lax'ing after a stressful day. On the odd days we get a nice HOT weekend i like to just chill in the garden, music in da'ears.  When on holiday i like to Scubadive, and recently tried surfing & really want to get into Kite-Surfing.....where i live in Essex, UK its apparently one of the best places in Europe for beginners! who'd have thought!!!

    So in theory Sunshine Coast, Brisbane [both appeal] could provide me with the same/BETTER Scene/lifestyle. so what it boils down to is 


    Oz represents for Me, 2 suitcases, no accommodation, no job, no transport, no phone/webaccess, no friends/support versus UK=Safe.  And yes even in Oz Mon-Fri needs to be the mundane/ratrace, we all have to work, especially given the expensive nature of Oz, however its what you choose to do at weekends, which Oz you can do 52weeks a yr.... lazy on the beach, kitesurf, paramotor, explore.  some of which i would do...but still like my movies n gym n chill.

    workwise, i'd look to get a Temp job; ideally parttime, as money isn't the DRIVER...then once i feel settled [if ever] then think what i want as a full time thing.  Also Oz is an OPPORTUNITY to do something different workwise [perhaps selling Sage X3 !], but i guess depends on Cost of Living and eventually what kinda place to live in [looking to rent out house in in UK longterm]

    and it has been COLD here Brrrrrr  Does that give ya an idea of me/my scene?     I try to look at jobs in Oz but alot dont advertise salary, stressing me out making a decision; though if its that 50:50, do i really want it!!!

    there's is an update!  work dont want me to go!  "Its not until someone leaves that you realise how much you value them, so my boss said"  but they needed a decision as i told them i want to to finish work end of Feb18 [sort of handed in my Notice].  Anyway last week I told them I'm staying UK.  they were very pleased & MD/CEO/FD said i made the right choice!  Oddily ending with a chat with the CEO to reinforce I'd made the right decision with him trying to sell me a car LOL  long story

    BUT after making the decision, am i relieved?? NO  i feel like it was the wrong choice.....hence still the wrangle inside of me.  

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