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  1. Thanks Snifter, I appreciate your response. I see what you mean about it being a problem if a party is away and no contact is maintained throughout. I don't think we will have a problem in that area, so that's good to know. Thanks for the advice about the stat decs, we have quite a few Australian friends who will be able to verify that we socialise together with and without friends when he is home from work, so that's good news. I will definitely be able to get a record of us calling each other. I think the thing is, we genuinely talk, message, chat on Skype etc. a lot when he is away so I'm sure providing evidence of all of that will not be hard. It's just knowing exactly what evidence to submit! Your advice has been super helpful thank you.
  2. Also, when reading some more in regards to this I have seen a lot of comments about proving that contact is maintained between the two parties when one of them is working away. This is fine, we message every day and speak on the phone. I was just wondering what we would need to do in order to prove this? Do we need to save WhatsApp conversations, print out phone records and stuff? We tag each other in things on Facebook and have the odd email correspondence. Would they want pages and pages of Whatsapp conversations?
  3. Thanks Evandale and Nemesis for both of your very different responses. I'm sorry Nemesis that you got a rejection We have a LOT of evidence in regards to mail, joint bank account, bills, tenancy agreement etc. We also have a ridiculous amount of photos of us doing stuff together at weekends when he is back, plus our Facebook and my Instagram page should say enough about how much time we spend together/missing each other when he is away. It seems strange that they would base your application on how much you post on social media. I would have thought the main thing would be a paper trail of evidence of your de facto relationship, but I'm glad you gave me the heads up.
  4. My Australian partner and I are currently living together and building up our evidence for our De Facto Visa. He is currently working away and flies in and out of work/home. He is at home for ten days and is away on shift for two weeks at a time. It might sound silly, but I just want to check - will this affect our De Facto status? We are still living together and all of his bills etc are addressed to our home, but I'm just a bit worried that Immigration might see it that we're not technically living together 100% of the time.
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