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  1. I have spoken to UU immigration on the phone, they are helpful but needed to know if mum was a U.K. Citizen at the time of my birth which we were unsure about. I will phone them again today.
  2. Thanks very much! I think that clarifies it then. I'm currrntly on a U.K. Ancestry visa and am unsure why if I am a citizen by decent! Why wasn't this queried when I applied? I was born 1988. Sounds like my mother is a dual citizen too.
  3. Thanks everyone. Firstly im trying to establish if she was a British citizen at the time I was born, in order to understand if I need to apply for U.K. Citizenship or if I already am one by decent, and can simply apply for a passport. I believe if your parent was a 'British subject' at the time of your birth - according to the U.K. (there may be some discrepancy between what Australia considered a British subject to be and what the UK considered a British subject to be) then the British subject cannot pass down citizenship. Secondly I'd like to clarify if my mother is a dual citizen, or if she gave up her citizenship when moving to Australia / when she became an Australian citizen. It seems complicated! My mother is finding it difficult to remember / find out. Thanks!
  4. Hi. Wondering if anyone can help with my queries. My mother was born in the U.K. to British born parents. They emigrated to Australia when my mother was a child in the early 1960s via the Assisted Passage Scheme. My mother only applied for Australian citizenship after I was born in Australia in 1989. She has never left Australia since she arrived. 1. Did these migrants give up their U.K. citizenship as part of the scheme? (I read they had to hand in their passports on arrival). If so, if they did not apply for Australian citizenship what was their legal status? (I read about British subjects?) 2. Did my mother give up her UK citizenship when she became an Australian citizen, or is she a dual citizen? Thanks for any help!
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