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Everything posted by Lzhgwyzd

  1. no,still waiting for my new 457 visa but its on short list now
  2. Hi everyone I have checked everywhere but still confusing that are there somewhere said 457 visa approval after 19 April and also on short list can not apply for pr? I know after mar 2018 occupation need to be on long list but what if I can fulfill 2 years requirements before that? Thank you for your answer!
  3. Are there any 2 years visa coming out yet?
  4. My nomination/occupation is approval on 4th April, but my 457 visa applied before 19 April is not grant yet. the occupation I applied is on short list but the company doesn't meet the 1M turnover requirement. Will my visa grant? My understand is the 1M turnover is for the nomination occupation, and my 457 visa application should only be assessed for whether I am eligible for such occupation.
  5. Please bear in mind that the petition of this is NOT about PR pathway or anything about PR. It is about those people with pending application or expiring visa, we will be left with NO visa can apply and leave AU due to this IMMEDIATELY change, we are not expect the PR pathway but I think a proper grace period and consideration should be given especially when we are already working and living here for few years!
  6. It is understandable for government to make some change for the 457 policy to fix its problems. But this immediate effect change do not consider those who already uproot their overseas and reside in Australia, those whose 457visa is expired soon and who with a pending 457 visa will face no visa to apply and have to end their life in Australia, even though they have paying tax like everyone else, making contribution to Australia society, but do not enjoy any benefit in the pass few years! We deserve a consideration, sign the petition below to shout our voice! https://www.change.org/p/malcolm-turnbull-change-the-new-457-visa-rules-for-people-already-residing-in-australia?recruiter=715014755&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=copylink
  7. The new policy will affect even those who lodged before 19 April. My spouse and I have spent $700 for medical as asked by dibp but probably will not be granted under the new policy. Can I ask a compensation for the medical if that is the case? I think it is totally unfair as they change the rule when the game is 'playing ', and I think we are paying the application fee so we are also a consumer, will we protected by consumer law? it just like I see a promotion in a restaurant which I am eligible so I book a party and organize everything and also paid the restaurant, but suddenly they change the role so I am no longer eligible for this promotion. Is it legal to do so?
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