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Posts posted by Divy

  1. Hello everyone,

    It would be great if someone could put light on how to get CYPRUS PCC? I sent emails to the authority in cyprus as well as cyprus embassy in canberra ACT as well but all to be in vain. Any lead information could be of immense value. Furthermore, anyone who could suggest procedure of getting any PCC when the concerned authority is not replying and the embassy in AUS is not replying. It would be helpful for me to relate

    Thank you

  2. Hello Capt. R

    Could you/ anyone here as experiences as captains in this regard please advise even a contact or web link for getting a Cyprus PCC?

    I sent emails to the embassy in australia and police department in cyprus as well, only to find no replies from either. Any information could be helpful. i am new to this forum so please allow me to intro. myself. I am Divy, sailed on tankers as a third mate and now studying logistics Masters in melbourne. I wish to apply 189 subclass for which I am preparing and collecting information. Any information here proves useful and I appreciate the time and effort devoted by all members here

    Thank you

  3. Hello Everyone,

    I am Divyang, intending to apply for PR subclass 189. I am in the nascent stage of the process and wish to clear some querries before i start with the process. 

    1 How is the seatime calculated ? i started sailing back in sep 2012 and signed off last ship in feb 2016. However my seatime is 23 months. I sailed only tankers and for a single cyprus based company. What would be my seatime calculation?

    2. I am currently pursuing masters in logistics in Melbourne RMIT University on a student subclass 500 visa. 

    3. Also I heard the medium and long term list will be reviewed in July based on the letter from union ? I must wait till july or start preparations ? Any estimates about the list?

    4. I am also booked to go back India and get my License renewed as it expired in december 2016. I need to get my certificates as per new convention 2010 of stcw as all are of 95' . Anyone who could suggest me which all certificates i need to refresh and any insititutes in Mumbai where i might get seats for all refreshers in June 2017? Attached is letter from AMOU

    TIA & Regards

    Message from Tim Higgs 190417.pdf

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