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Posts posted by matre123

  1. 1 hour ago, Tulip1 said:

    My sons are adults now but I have great memories of the many years I stood on the edge of a football pitch cheering their team on. I’d wrap up in so many layers I could hardly move. There was often hot drinks served whilst the games were on, I served them on home games for several years.  The kids don’t feel the cold or seem to bother about it.  They’d rush over at half time for a drink and usually a fairy cake (many a Sunday morning I’d be baking trays of little cakes for them) and they just loved the whole sports thing.  I can’t really remember matches getting called off but I’m sure the odd one did. I remember a match where it started to snow hard, they had a crazy snowball fight afterwards.  I can honestly say it was not a crap experience for all involved, it was brilliant.   

    I remember hot vimto at half time and it being too hot to drink haha I play rugby on weekends here and due to working 4 on 4 off shift pattern I have 4 consecutive Saturdays where I can play and last winter all 4 were called off because the weather was pants! Even if the weather's not great, if we had pitches that were suitable they could still play but they get ruined with the weather so no matter if he wasn't bothered by the cold he won't be playing and some occasions. They may cancel games for being too hot in Australia but we can go to the beach and have a swim if that's the case! 

  2. 3 hours ago, FirstWorldProblems said:

    If you found yourself with several spare hours and were to explore past posts on this topic,  I'm confident that you would emerge from your research with the view that there are as many experiences as there are people.  It's not terribly helpful I know, but there are so many variables involved that everyone really does have a different experience - jobs, income, commute time, location, schools, cost of living......and that's all before you throw in the most complicated part - how we as people all get on with so much change all at once.  For the best chance of success I think it's important to:

    1. do what you are doing - gather as much information as possible so that you are realistic.  Living in Australia isn't like being on holiday in Australia. 
    2. have the right attitude - embrace what's great about Australia and avoid the temptation to focus on what's not as good as back home

    Even then many people talk about some intangible "otherness" that stops them settling.  I think it's @Marisawright that describes there being two type of people in the world - those who can live anywhere in the world, and those who have a deep connection to home, often one they didn't realise until they had moved away.

    Having a young child presents a great opportunity for meeting people.   When I moved out to Sydney my daughter was 2 years old and her mum just wasn't comfortable putting herself out there, joining kiddie clubs etc.  She went the opposite way and rarely left the apartment.  As you can imagine, that didn't work out well.

    I'm going to repeat what some others have said.  It isn't better.  It's different.  Whether the positives outweigh the negatives will depend upon what's important to you guys.  For some people the place fits like a glove, for others it doesn't fit at all and for most it's about finding a compromise that works.


    Some people love the heat.  I don't.  For me, summer in Australia is like winter in the UK - best spent indoors.   But the other three seasons are great.  

    Thank you for the wise words. Having the right attitude is absolutely up there with what I want from our move. Hopefully the wife would be involved in kiddies clubs as she as done them here and due to my shifts I've been to a fair few of them as well. I think I should be able to live anywhere, I was in the army for 10 years so no problem to me but the wife has only ever been on holiday. 

    I like how you mention the other 3 seasons being great. So often here we barely get a summer and to have 3 seasons of decent weather I think we can handle being inside more in the summer. 

  3. Thanks again Cal. I think you're right about meeting people with sports. We've been doing swimming with him since he was very young and get on well with people there. We can use our son to help our social lives! We always had sandwiches growing up and I take my own food to work, canteens are overrated! 

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  4. 39 minutes ago, calNgary said:

    I'm not in WA but i am in QLD,,,  a small of handful of days you find its too hot to do anything if it doesnt involve air con, we spend less time inside here than we did in the UK due to being rained off, but we are quite outdoorsy and enjoyed the water ,so as you guess not as much fun if its cold or raining even when wearing a dry bag.

    Personally i would try and hang out here until you can get citizenship rather than give it a year, then return if thats what you both want to do. The main thing is you are both on board and agree to everything before you even book flights or it could all turn into a disaster. Most people find the first year or two can be quite tough and challenging (not to mention expensive), its a bit like leaving home for the first time. You will only have each other to lean on and vent too hence you need to be on the same page with everything.

     Good luck ,there is certainly a great life to be had here and we have regrets about moving here what so ever.

       Cal x

    Thanks Cal. We are also quite outdoorsy and whilst it's winter here I don't enjoy getting battered by the rain and cold just to take the dog out. That sounds like a good idea with citizenship, have you got yours? If so how long did it take to get? By the time my skills assessment and visa get sorted our child will be ready for school and for him to start in an Australian school for a year then take him out I don't think it would be a good idea. My wife also works in a school and when we came over she visited one and really enjoyed her experience there. She could work in the same one that our child is at which is the plan here so she could keep an eye on him I suppose. Easier said than done. 

    I just keep thinking about my son growing up and doing sports here where they are played through winter and outside. Forever getting called off and a crap experience for all involved. We do enjoy the UK for the most part and life is fine here. We just want something different and when we speak to people there's mainly positives. It's good to talk on here for a balanced argument and there's always people who will go back to the UK. I just hope we can get there in the first place! 

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  5. My cousin has said he works very hard out there too, working 6 days a week every week. I'm under no illusions on that front but everything I have seen and experienced in Australia makes me want to get out there. The wife would like to be closer to her family but its always her that makes the effort and gets nothing in return. It will be harder for her but she is a very logical thinker and doesn't deal with emotions ruling her head. The only reason why we didn't make the move before was because we had a baby and she thought people would help us especially as he's our first we would need the help. That didn't really happen and she is still recovering from giving birth 2.5 years on and we have no plans for having any more kids. We both want something different and she has said if our mental well being in Australia and lifestyle is better then we will stay. I can't see it not being to be honest except the money side. She has said money doesn't matter as long as we're happy but on some level it does so we can have the life we want. She has said she's worried about the summers being too hot and that would cause us to be inside for a different reason to the UK but perths is a dry heat and I've heard that's more bearable than a humid one.. Can anyone help me calm her fears please? Thanks everyone for your replies so far. 

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  6. The wife is a confusing one. We do have a child who is 2 and a half. We've had little help from either sides family ever since he was born even though we were living with her mum for the first year of his life. The wife brought it up again after we put it on the back burner when the little one was born and I was having issues with my skills assessment. Getting my skills assessment back on track and she isnt extremely close to friends and family. All the contact we do have we can have a similar amount from oz over video calls and messages etc. 

    I think if she spent time out there she would realise how much better than the UK it is (at least that's what I think) that's why she's set on Perth, I have a 2nd cousin out there and just one familiar face can do the world of good. 

  7. Thanks for all your responses! I've just remortgaged but the term is only 2 years so by the time I get skills assessment and visa stuff going that will come around quickly. Both mortgages are with the same company so hopefully won't be an issue but I have a decent mortgage advisor who will help me when the time comes. I think @Marisawright 's idea of selling the rental makes good sense to me and keep my home and rent out until we decide 100 per cent if we want to stay in Australia. The wife keeps talking about trying for a year but it worries me spending so much money to get out there, leaving perfectly acceptable jobs to just come back after a year and search the UK for another job. I'd rather cut my ties with it and dive straight into Australia and make it work. That's relationships for you! 

  8. Thank you for your reply. I think your idea of sell one and rent out the other makes sense to me. We could use the money on the sale to help with deposit over here and still have another property with some income. As a general question I am wondering how long it has taken folk to buy once they make the move to Australia given it costs so much to get there in the first place!? 

    Again, any information that can be provided would be greatly appreciated.

  9. Hi guys, 

    My wife and I have just started on the Australia train and debating what to do when we get over there. I want to sell our 2 houses and start a fresh in Australia but the wife thinks we should keep them and rent them out. The idea of having a bit of income from 2 houses is certainly appealing when starting a new life where our salaries may not be what we hope. 

    I can see that it is a headache organising the mortgage as an expat but how do you find the tenant situation and issues with the house etc? We live in 1 house and rent the other and just recently had our tenant leave and bring in the new one. The council are chasing me for money between tenants and energy companies are wanting cash as well. We paid for an estate agent to find the first tenant we had and when they handed in their notice I organised the next one with new contract etc and whenever there is a problem I have a look first before getting people in. 

    There's also the tax scenario which is confusing to say the least. How do you guys deal with you income tax and also property management?

    Any info would be greatly appreciated thanks! 

  10. Hi all, 

    I am looking to got to Australia under the Electronic instrument trades worker either general or special class. 

    I started using the down under center based in London who could get hold of an electrical license before getting to Australia as I have been told this is needed to work on anything electrical over there.The trouble is they cater to domestic electrical experience and tried to put me through as an electrician special class. I have done a domestic electrical 4 week course when I left the army mainly so I could work on my own house but I was able to do the test and inspecting that they have on their practical assessment however I submitted all my paperwork and there wasn't enough domestic electrical experience to progress with the electrician route. 

    The down under center are still willing to help me progress my skills assessment and as my paperwork is with the TRA already, I am hoping I won't have to submit it all again despite changing jobs. (I don't hold much expectation but I like to think positively).

    They haven't progressed anyone under this job title before and until coming across this post I was not aware of any technical interview that was needed with the TRA. I see a lot of Vetasses stuff but on the Australia government website it only mentions TRA as the assessing body. Does anybody know if TRA do a technical interview? Also if I have to submit paperwork and applications again I'm wondering if the skills assessors contact your current workplace for references?

    The reason I am asking is because I am not planning to leave to Australia for quite some time and I don't want to upset the apple cart so to speak as I have just been promoted. The extra cash will certainly be needed when saving for Australia. 

    I also need to do an english test at some point, does anybody know of any Pearsons mock test papers please?

    If you have managed to get to Australia under this skilled occupation, have you needed an electrical license for the work you do? (I'm currently working in the semiconductor industry on vacuum systems but there are in extremely short supply in Australia)

    Apologies for the huge post. Thanks for your help.

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