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Everything posted by mandyD

  1. yes we have Steiner schools in Cardiff and I have always been very interested in them as an alternative for our daughter, now we have the opportunity to really explore this when we come over. i will look more into the urban suburbs as hadn't considered them before, and will certainly see about contacting agents, that was a good tip thank you. and huge thanks for taking the time to answer my questions, we really appreciate it.
  2. Hi Chris, our daughter is nine. Thanks for the advice on the rental situation, I had researched the costs involved but didn't realise it was so difficult to secure something decent..... oh dear!! Can I ask how you find living in Cairns in general? We want to be on a beach location if possible. Thanks.
  3. oh I like the idea of staying in a caravan park, hadn't thought of that! It is good to be able to have a look at both areas but I want to get our daughter into school quickly to help establish routine....This is the problem when you take children and dogs adventuring with you!
  4. Haha yes, that's basically what he thought!
  5. I have Australian Citizenship so just got the Sposal Visa for my husband!!
  6. Thank you so much for all that great advice. We have considered both Port Douglas and Palm Cove, so it's good to know our intuition is right on the money!!! Also we did think the opportunities for Chefing would be better Cairns way due to the huge tourist aspect. and yes, we were told by numerous lovely people in Adelaide when we went that the weather wasn't the norm at all, but boy did we get a shock! Travelled all that way for the same weather we get in Wales, we were disappointed to say the least, but it did make us realise what we did and didn't want. Anyway, thanks again, all comments are invaluable at this point.
  7. Yes that's also what one of the chefs my OH employed said about his experience of working in Oz kitchens.... very reasuring to hear it again though, thanks Booma.
  8. Thanks Cal, your words are reassuring and very kind. We are looking forward to the adventure and giving our daughter the experience of a new way of living. We can't wait....... even with the nerves! X
  9. No we looked at Perth but during the year of research we did, we liked Queensland better! He's used to hot kitchens so should be ok. We're expecting the adjustment to the heat in general to be a steep learning curve anyway!,
  10. That's great, thanks Lady Rainicorn
  11. Well my husband is a chef so we're hoping he can find something in either area fingers crossed.
  12. Thanks for for the link, very helpful. And yes we were shocked at how cold Adelaide was!!!
  13. Hi, My husband, 9 year old daughter, the dog and myself are moving from Wales to Townsville at the end of January (hopefully)!!! We are torn between settling in Cairns or Townsville, so plan on visiting both. We were over in Australia in July but that was to have a look at Adelaide which we found to be too cold!!! not the issue we're going to get with Townsville / Cairns by the looks of things! Some information on best family areas to live and good state schools would be gratefully received. I have researched quite a bit online but nothing beats personal recommendations. also we will need to go into a short term let when we arrive, and again any sign posting to that from personal experience would be a big help. Thanks in advance Mandy
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