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  1. Hey everyone, was just looking for some advise. I left Australia a few days ago and was on a working holiday visa. Before this I had been backpacking south east Asia. I arrived in Perth and straight away got a job. After a few weeks I started to feel constantly down about missing home. I missed family, friends and just the way of life. I made a few friends in Oz but none that had the same crack as back home, really struggled to find people with the same sort of British humour. there was just a longing to be at home with people that I had so much fun around. I felt like Australia was be place to be back home, I mean everyone raves about it but it just wasn't settling with me. I think the fact as well that it is so far away from home gave me anxiety that I couldn't just visit home and go back out. I dont know if anyone anyone else feels the same but I found Australia quite boring, the places to drink not the same atmosphere and very strict on drinking, made me miss our laid back ways in that sense. Now im back however, reality has struck.. I need to find a job and get a car. Where I live I need a car to get around really, but do I want to purchase a car and then think oh I actually should have pushed myself to travelling further out there, and maybe I would have liked it better but then be stuck with a car. I could however temp in London without the need of a car but again I just don't know if I should go back out and try again. I also feel that some people at home do not completely get it. I was away for months and for people that haven't lived abroad or travelled don't seem to understand the pull between the two and whether you are making the correct decision being home? Everyone is like but why would you like to go back out?! The money is good, the weather better and I feel a lot to explore and see. Also i feel it's good to live away and gain that independence. There could also be friends to be made with better humour (maybe I wasn't seeing that then ) Now being at home, and seeing it again would I have a different mindset going back or would I miss everything and want to go home? I can't keep flitting between the two as I need to figure out what I want and as you are all aware flying back and fourth isn't exactly cheap! Any advise would be great. Thanks
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