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  1. Hi all, Never posted here before but have been following the thread and have found it really helpful in estimating timelines etc. Had my visa approved today after what seemed like a lifetime waiting. Nomination and visa applied for on 31st July RFI was requested, unsure of exact date, roughly around mid September, was sent over within a few days Literally heard nothing until the nomination was approved on 20th November Visa approved 25th November Applied onshore, LR country Just thought I would share my timeline as I see a few of you have been waiting a while and hopefully this will give you some hope. If I had any tips it would be to make sure all documents are uploaded at the earliest possible point. Upload literally anything you may think may be of use, no matter how insignificant you think it may be. Be nice and polite when communicating with immigration, they have a heck of a job to do so I'm sure they appreciate it when they receive nicely worded emails! Finally, stay positive, no matter how stressful waiting can get, try to keep a positive mind as stressing out and over thinking things is the worse thing you can do! Good luck to you all!
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