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Everything posted by Brisky

  1. Glad my information was of some use. I understand the sentiment of the car too, I would take it back myself. You have a great Xmas too, all the best x
  2. Yes, it's all done on the size of the container they use in terms of cubic volume. The bigger the dog, the more it costs!
  3. Hi. Thank you and the same to you and your family
  4. Hi. Thank you and the same to you and your family
  5. Hi. Actually, my dog quote was through Dogtainers. The same price (give or take $100) came in via Jetpets too. He's 30 kilos and would be considered a medium size (unlike my friends who spent £7000GBP bring their Great Dane here, ouch!). It equates to about £2500GBP which I didn't think was too bad considering it cost me £4000GBP to bring him over. I've owned my bike since 2007, it came with me when I moved over so it's well travelled as my dog and me! I'll definitely check out Movecube and see what they're about, thanks for the heads up Good luck with your move too, I hope it goes smoothly.
  6. Hi Sheila, Thanks for your reply, nice to know *someone* can be bothered! Just to clarify - I wasn't trying to air my dirty laundry on a public as such, I was simply sharing my experiences as I found it a relief to read that other ex-pats were feeling the same way about life here and also that some people had also experienced nightmare situations too. I found it comforting to know that I wasn't alone in my feelings as my dream was to always move to Australia having been a regular visitor since 1994 and I felt almost guilty that the call home of home is now stronger than the need/want to stay. I have found out pretty much all of the information I needed since posting through reading other threads on here and also from my own research. $4400 all inclusive to ship my doggie, no quarantine in the UK and rabies shots and vet check 21 days prior to travel - sorted. The rest of it varies in price depending on how much I'm shipping from about $4000 for half a 20ft container (which will be my minimum space required) up to $7500-ish for a full 20ft container. I plan to downsize and sell off/donate a lot of stuff anyway so hopefully the $4k option should cover me. The most difficult part for me is whether to sell my motorbike or not. I'm struggling with that so I might just leave it with a friend to look after. If there's any information you don't have then please let me know and I'll be happy to pass what I have learned thus far onto you I will return at some point (I do not give up easily!) but right now I need to be with my folks as they getting older and I want to be closer to them. My friends too of course. Thanks for taking the time to reply, I appreciate it Have a great weekend, Paul
  7. Hi everyone, My name is Paul and I need your help! I moved to Australia from England in Dec 2012 having married a girl from Melbourne. Not two months after arrival she announced that she no longer wanted to be married to me and I asked to leave. At this juncture I had no job nor did I have anywhere to live. Luckily I had some friends in Melbourne who were able to put me up for a short time. I then found another friend who had a room for a rent and then a job came along too and so I was able to prop myself up in my new country. My dog also made the trek with me to Australia however, the apartment I was sharing was not dog friendly so some friends in Brisbane kindly offered to look after him for me until I could have him back. Some seven months had passed in Melbourne and I was unable to afford to move out and rent a bigger property in order to get him back in my life and so I left Melbourne and took a job in Brisbane to be with him and closer to my friends. Moving from the U.K to Melbourne and then to Brisbane cleaned me out financially and I wasn’t able to make a trip home to visit until 3 years after arriving here. Suffice to say it was a very emotional experience. I have just come home from a second visit and have had to take two weeks leave as I pretty much crashed as soon I arrived and have felt incredible unrest since returning. My Dad’s partner was diagnosed with dementia and the last time I saw her she was fully functional. My Dad now has to do everything for her and it was heartbreaking to witness the demise of such a lovely lady. I feel racked with guilt for being on the other side of the world while this has been unfolding. Especially as I have no ‘real’ life here, more of an existence as such. Like many on here, I miss my family and friends and (with the exception of a few good mates who are mostly all poms) have been unable to find any real connections with people on this side of the world. Similarly, I feel very disconnected and Australia has never really been somewhere I can call ‘home’. Anyway, that’s my story per se. My next step is to apply for citizenship and I am just a few weeks to be able to go ahead. I have all of my supporting documents and I’m good to go. After that is the actual repatriation itself which is where I wondered if you could kindly point me in the right direction - maybe there’s an existing thread on here I should read? Essentially, I’d like advise on the process of going home. I have a 20ft container with my life in it. Most of my stuff has been in storage and is still boxed from the day it left England. I do plan to downsize and sell some things but I will be taking a number of things back with me including my record collection, motorcycle and of course my pooch! Does the same legislation apply going back? E.G Will my dog need to go into quarantine? Will there be importation tax for my British motorcycle? I’m doing the move on my own this time and I’m finding it incredibly daunting already. Any help or links to relevant info would be greatly appreciated Thanks guys, Paul
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