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Judge Dredd

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Posts posted by Judge Dredd

  1. Hi InnerVoice, thank you for the reply.

    Yes, a rural posting in a new country and one as massive as Australia would be a big struggle with a young family. I have emailed the QPS recruitment asking if international recruits are de facto assigned to specific areas, that way I can start to research about the possible posting locations.

    Unfortunately policing in England is very much a losing game. I can handle the criminality and the victims, what I have found deflating is the complete lack of punishment for serial offenders, the constant and deliberate sabotaging of our role by the government and the prosecutors to prevent us from putting offenders before the court as they are "too busy and the prisons too full" all the while being forced to deal with offensive Facebook posts over burglaries, drugs, criminal damage etc.

    I'm hoping to speak to officers who can give me information about the logistics of how police there investigate and prosecute crime and what the general sentencing 'culture' is with the courts.

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  2. Greetings,

    any UK bobbies considering the move? I sent their recruitment an email asking some basic questions but if others have any information/advice to share, perhaps we can make this topic a bit of a resource hub for applicants/hopefuls.

    I've been in 9 years and was actually hoping for a recruitment drive back in 2016/17/18 (after which I sort of gave up hope). I'm now married with 2 children and recently bought a house, so ideally I would have really preferred to move 2-3 years ago, but it is what it is. 

    Anyone here a former UK cop or knows any former UK cops who are officers in Queensland and can offer any info on what the basic differences are in daily operational duties would be greatly appreciated.

    Kinds regards.

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