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  1. Hi I am in a situation similar to yourself. I have recently separated from my Australian husband of 16 years, we have 2 kids ages 12 & 8. I have no family here, haven't seen inlaws for years, they are not active in our lives, never have been, its a huge struggle trying to juggle my part time job and kids with no support. Ex husband has major mental health issues, is unable to work and although he is getting a private insurance payment is refusing to pay maintenance. I am reluctant to let the kids spend too much time with him, i'm worried about his mental state when he has them and if hes taken too many meds he will be unable to supervise them. This is causing a lot of issues with us, he had agreed to let me take the kids and go back to live in Scotland earlier in the year but with everything that was happening I never got round to seeing a lawyer, I have this booked for a couple of weeks to get the ball rolling. I cant see me living here long term with the current situation its just too hard, son 8 is excited at possibly going to live in Scotland and spend his life playing football, 12 daughter not so keen.
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