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Posts posted by salsera

  1. thanks tea4too,  yes we are already using iceland and they are great, especially as it seems pretty easy to get a delivery slot at quite short notice, but it isn't as much variety as you think -once you put your address in to book a delivery slot it reduces the selection according to your local store.  we are working on getting him a bigger freezer which will help enormously. Unfortunately dad doesn't cook anything from scratch, the carer just has time to pop a ready meal in the microwave or make him a sandwich and he's happy with that.  Goodness knows how he got to 88 - he's never eaten much fruit, veg or salad!! Thanks again, its helped just having people listen and give a few ideas.

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  2. thanks for your support.  I have actually been to the UK already and went into the banks who sorted the POA but it took 3months to get online access to manage his finances with one of them - they were hopless! Interestingly Scottish Power were fine!

    I will ask about the money option at the bank, I wonder if the post office would do something like that as it would be difficult for him to get to the bank.

    Shopping is still difficult as they nearly all ask for billing address when paying for a card - if you notice one that doesn't please let me know. The only ones I've found so far is Iceland (where options are a little limited as he doesn't have a big freezer) and Ocado as they accept paypal. Unfortunately Ocado is quite expensive and my father is in debt too. thanks for your help

  3. Hi, my elderly father is in England & I have just taken over managing his finances as his Lasting power of attorney.  I'm struggling with a few things and wonder if anyone else is in a similar situation that could offer some advice please?

    I'm having difficulty with:

    1. accessing some online accounts from Australia as his power of attorney - they won't let me put in an overseas address - e.g. British Gas
    2. Paying for things such as his shopping online with his card due to overseas address
    3. arranging for him to have access to a small & limited amount of regular spending money - he loses his cards or doesn't use them safely.

    Grateful for any suggestions.



  4. Hi, we have a property which we are renting out in the UK whilst here on a 457. We declared the income from our UK property rental on our Australian tax return last year but now  have been told we also need to complete a UK tax return. How do we ensure that the income from our property is not taxed on our uk tax return when it has been taxed in Australia - we obviously don't want to pay tax twice?

  5. oh thanks for posting this and all the replies, please can someone help as I'm now very confused? We are on 457 with rental property in UK. Our UK rental agent managing the property for us got us to sign a form so that we don't have to pay uk tax on our rental income, we declared our UK rental income on our Australia tax return last year.  Reading all the comments it looks like we might have missed out through the personal tax allowance. Can you please advise what we should do this year, or if there is a good tax advisor who knows about both UK and Australia tax that can help us?


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