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Posts posted by baggo

  1. I know I need one for my job. Wife is coming on visa too initially on mat leave. She under the rules needs a medical too but I don't know whether she needs it during the visa application or only before she starts work (which would be about 8 months after arriving).

    Hope I'm making sense

  2. Hoping an expert can advise. I'll be coming on a sponsored 457 visa. My wife and child will be coming. My wife will initially be on maternity leave but will look to start work about 8 months after arriving. I need a medical, CXR and bloods due to my job. I don't know whether my family also need to undergo medicals or at the least if my wife does, and if she does does she need to at this stage or only later? The My health declaration page I'm stuck on asks

    Are there accompanying family members included on this application?


    If they are referring to the visa application then the answer is yes. If they mean the my health application to get a HAP ID then no. Can any expert advise whether i include their details at this point?


    Thank you very much


  3. I expect I'll have to do one as I had to last time i got a 457 in 2008. This time though I'll be taking wife and family with me. I'm trying to prevent a medical being a rate limiting step but I don't know whether they also need a medical or whether it's just me as the primary applicant. Stuck at the MY HEALTH DECLARATION page where it asks that. It mentions partner and prospective marriage visa applicants, but I don't think a 457 is this type of Visa, am I right?

  4. Sorry if this is obvious but I can't find the answer. I will be coming on a sponsored 457 visa with my wife and child. Wife is also pregnant but not due until after we have applied for the visa.

    1. Is it just me the applicant who needs a medical or do the whole family?

    2. How easy or not is it to add on a child to the visa and what paperwork and timescales are involved. Baby due end January. Hoping to emigrate end Feb. Is that enough time to get a birth certificate and get them on visa?


    Also any suggestions on best way of booking flights on that timescale would be useful. I assume to get bulkhead seats we must wait until baby born to book tickets?

    Thanks everyone



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  5. OK that makes sense. So if I'm taxed in the UK and pay tax I can deduct that in Oz. But I don't pay uk y tax on it because any profit falls within my personal allowance in the UK then I can still be taxed on it and pay tax in Australia? Is that beneficial in some ways ie through the fact that negative gearing etc can be used if paying tax in Australia? And also that tax rates are lower?


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  6. Confused. So does that mean that our tax free personal allowance in the UK is worthless after the first full year? I thought the double taxation rules meant you weren't taxed twice on an income. So I thought we were taxed on rental income in UK which given no other income and personal allowance meant no tax payable. But then how can Oz tax on that too? Doesn't seem right?


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  7. We will be looking to rent our house in the UK when we move to Sydney in March next year. For the first 8 months after we arrive in Australia I will be working and my wife will be receiving a combination of mat pay (mostly SMP with some occupational mp for the first few weeks). I'm wondering how the tax on rhw rental income would work. I'll have no uk income and my wife will have very little and probably under the personal allowance for the tax year 17/18. Given that the house is in both our names who's taxes is the rental income assessed against - my wife or me? Will it make any difference? I would have thought it best if assessed against me as I will have no other UK income. Thanks for your time.



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  8. Thanks. Exclusive and all that is great but there are parts of London like that I'd never want to live in even if I could afford it. Need somewhere where we have a chance of making friends and feeling like we belong. Don't want to feel trapped and lonely so far away from family. Obviously nowhere can guarantee that but does that sound like mosman?


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  9. Hi all thank you for the reply. Appreciate mosman is expensive but would have some help with employer with childcare freeing up money we now spend on that for rent. Also if we made move permanent wed be selling in London so hopefully would have something decent for a deposit. Interested to hear more about sutherland shire - does it have more of a country feel? Obviously no substitute for visiting but any websites to give an idea of what it's like would be useful. Problem with it is its further away from the M5 so longer commute.


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  10. Hi all

    This is my first post on the site. I'm planning a move from london to sydney in March 2017 with my wife, our 2yo son and as yet unborn sprog (my wife will have just started mat leave when we go). I have two job options, one of which would involve working in the CBD, the other in the south west near Campbeltown. i'm not sure which one will work out but at this stage both are realistic.

    We spent a year in Sydney in 2008 and 2 weeks earlier this year on jobs visits/suburb recce so know a bit about the city, some suburbs, cost of living etc.

    I'd appreciate some advice about two suburbs we're considering.

    For the CBD job option we'd love to live in Mosman, the proximity to a safe beach, the views and cafes etc look great. Can anyone give any advice on the realities of living there? How it was to settle in, make friends etc? Especially anyone who has been there on mat leave and done the baby group thing? Any advice on nurseries and schools would be really useful.


    For the other option we would have to live somewhere near Sans Souci/Kogarah as otherwise the commute would be too much (one of our main reasons for leaving the UK is we both spend long days at work and our son spends 10-11hours a day at nursery, we're fed up with that). We've never been to any suburbs south of Alexandria! I'd love to hear from people who've lived in Sans Souci and surrounds about the same sort of stuff i've asked above, bringing up kids there, cafes etc? What are the beaches and parks like? Is it a 'safe' suburb? Does it have mummy groups etc? Worried that once there the transport might mean we'd feel trapped there, what's it like getting north to hawkesbury river etc? Any information about what the sutherland shire is like in terms of spending family weekends there would be useful.



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