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Everything posted by Franklin05

  1. Nothing in this other than we literally don't have the money to move back at the moment, lack of secure employment and moving around so much as eaten into pretty much everything we have so we are starting from the bottom up.
  2. Definitely not, it's a good point about building up pension in the UK too. I have nothing here as haven't been able to secure the work and have been at home with my daughter. I hadn't thought about that, but I don't expect to have much pension and think I will be working into my retirement no matter where I live.
  3. We are looking at moving back to the UK in a few years. I doubt will move bring everything back with us, some electrical good, personal items, books, toys CD's etc. and, of course the dog. I'd like an idea of cost, I don't want to start applying for online quotes as that always seems to involve "the Sale Push". Does anyone have an idea of how much a half container could cost from Australia to the UK? Also, the dog, a small-medium 9kg Jack Russell, how much have others paid for their pets?
  4. He does want to return, he just wants to wait a while longer until get can save up more money, while we are now citizen and got newstart benefits when he was out of work, it never covered the cost of rent and bills, or the cost moving to where the new job is. We currently don't even have enough money to return, we always promised ourselves that our savings would never get that low, but we paid out to keep a roof over our heads in the hope that Australia would work out for us, looking back I think we should have made the move then rather than struggling on.
  5. I am not so sure that they are, looking at others thread it seems that a lot of people miss the smaller things too, if it was just one or two small things it would be different, but it's the whole combination of them that make up the foundations of your lifestyle I guess. All those small things, plus family and friends who you've known for years and years. Sunday lunch with family is a real killer for me too, they were a corner stone of my childhood and I miss that family time.
  6. Think I can agree that all the reasons I want to go are those, soccer aside that is I've never been in it.
  7. Yeah, I have just been digger deeper in the forum and finding that a lot of people are happy to be around family, especially those with kids. It's a blooming massive (and expensive) decision though and I'd hate to regret it. It occurs to me that you sort of end up straddling two countries (so to speak), nothing is going to be perfect in either one and you'll miss and dislike things about each one.
  8. We've been in Australia for 7 years now. It's not been an easy ride, both my husband and I have found it hard to find work. I've only very had temp work, my husband has only every had contract roles, jobs that last for 1 or 2 years and each new contract has been in a new state. We've moved interstate 4 times in those 7 years. I've only been able to go back to the UK to visit family once, only had them out once as money is tight for them and us and I cannot afford to visit anytime soon. We have just moved for the 4th time in the last month to yet another new state. I am home sick, miss my family especially now we have our daughter and that my mother is getting old and while she is healthy enough, she is in remission for cancer. I miss history, varied culture, green fields, old buildings, proper pubs, Christmas lights in the cold and dark. I am fed up with moving, with having to start over and make new friends yet again. It's hard with a child, especially since I am at home with her alone. I am doing what I can to make friends, but it takes time and I am incredibly lonely. I really want to move back to the UK, I'd go tomorrow if I could, but finances don't permit that, also my husband wants to wait a few more years, though he has said we won't be moving around again, if he cannot secure further work here we leave and there is no way I could cope with moving and starting over somewhere new again. I know we will go back sooner or later, I guess it depends on how we settle here and if further work comes up. I want to know what had been the deciding factors for other people in moving back home. What made you decided to go/want to go back to the UK? Was the move the best decision for you? How did you know the timing was right?
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