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Everything posted by JamesRT

  1. Hi all I know there’s a few superannuation questions already, but I think mine is slightly different so please bare with me. I moved to Australia on a 1 year working holiday visa in 2008, worked on farms, got my 2nd year visa. At the start of the 2nd year I met my partner who was on a work sponsored visa. At the end of that visa (2010) I went on her visa then after another year (2011) we got a residency visa. In 2016 we decided to move back to uk. At the time my partner had 3 different superannuation accounts, we were expecting our 2nd child and forgot about claiming them. When things had settled down I combined her 3 and noticed that mine had shot up in value. We decided to leave them in Australia, although we had no plans to return, wait will I got to 62 and cash mine out (under the assumption it would be tax free) then a few years later live off hers withdrawing 10% per year and expecting to pay the standard rate for uk tax. Over the past 4 years they’ve hardly grown, so I’ve had a look at withdrawing. I think I’ve messed up on the tax implications and how I’ll be able to withdraw them. For example mine will be subject to 67% from Australia, but I can’t find that out if it’s still applied if I get to retirement age? Sorry for the long winded post, hopefully someone will be able to help.
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