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  1. Thanks i understand that but then i open up a whole debate on the subject which is very subjective isnt it. Although i am free for any pm's if anyone would like to its just not something i want to debate really. I wouldnt want to put my life on hold for years more like work towards something whilst living at the same time if you see what I mean. For example if there is something my husband should be doing with work to gain employment there he could do it at the same time here which also benefits regardless. As i see it its a no go but i want to at least try, try and work towards something..
  2. thanks will look, they are only young so would be primary age. thanks any any other advice is great as feeling very about it all but will keep searching!
  3. i know we missed the boat on the police front which is a nightmare. I understand what you mean about the training and taking things off the list too. Not sure about the it but this may be thes best way but then again unsure how much they want his skills and who to ask/go to. He is doing a job which i think is really good for the future- investigating cyber crime so putting his detective skills together with it skills surely is desirable. There arnt many people in the uk doing this so you would think it would be a good thing but its where to start
  4. We really want to move over. My husband is the career one but being in the police moving is not an option (even though he is in specialised cyber crime department - you would think being a wizz in it security would be sought after but i cant see it) So then, maybe i should re train. But what in? My background is marketing but i am pretty savvy and can study etc. Any advice? I need a long term feasible plan. Help appreciated, Thanks!
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