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Everything posted by JackSmith

  1. Thank you for your response. Does it it not help my chances that I have not served any time in prison? Also that in the 8 years since my last conviction which was a misdemeanor that I have done a lot of good stuff to show that I have changed and that I am of good character? Gaining a a first class honours degree is very difficult does this not show that I am of good character? Working for charities in my spare time without pay... Is this not a sign of good character? Successfully managing the buisness of running my own home with no problems with my neighbours... Is this not a sign of good character? Working for a Goverment funded council leisure centre full time where I worked with children and the elderly... Is this not a sign of good character? Mi currently work full time as a support worker helping people with learning difficulties, autism and disability where I am trusted to look after people's money and administer medication amongst other things.... Is this not evidence of good character? I mi do not drink and I do not take drugs. The fact that I don't take drugs.... Is this not a sign of good character? I I have declared my criminal convictions and I have been honest with them... Is this not a sign of good character? I I have been told that if they intend to cancel my visa I will have 28 days to provide references and show how I am of good character. I may even have to go for an interview at Australia House in London where they may drug test me. Taking into account all I have said and the fact I will come up as negative for drugs. Would I be successful in proving to the Australian Authorities dealing with my case that I am a changed man an I am of good character?
  2. Thankyou for your response. I have declared my criminal convictions. They asked me to provide a police certificate. So they can see all my convictions. Does it not help my case that I have never been to prison? And that I have not committed a crime for 8 years. And in that time I have done a lot of good stuff. I mean the job that I do now working with vulnerable adults is a highly responsible job which involves looking after people's money, administering medication and helping people manage their own lives? I'm hardly a hardened criminal. I made some mistakes when I was younger. I don't drink and I don't take drugs. if they intend to cancel my visa I have been told that before they do that they will write to me informing me of their intentions to cancel. Then I have time to find references from work etc which I will be able to do. I was also told they may ask me to go to Australia House in London for an Interview where they may well drug test me and if they do that I will found to be clean as a whistle.
  3. Hi, I applied online for a Working Holiday Visa about 4 months ago. I'm still waiting to here from the VACCU who are dealing with my case. I am 30 years old my visa application went in 6 months before the cut off period. My Criminal convictions include Assault Ocasioning Actually bodily harm, relieved a police caution for this and it occurred almost 11 years ago. A year later I was convicted of criminal damage and Battery. I was given 12 months probation, Anger management. As part of the disposal I was given community service unpaid work requirement but the order was revoked as Instead I was offered a place at rehab for my drinking problems. I completed this. I have never served any prison time and was not given a suspended sentence. Two years later about 8 years ago I was convicted for being drunk and dissorderrly and had to pay a £50 fine. Since then I have not committed any crime. The ABH charge involved my older brother we had a toy fight that escalated and I gave him a bust lip and black eye. We are now close friends. The Battery and Criminal Damage happened when I was at university on the halls. I damaged a door during a fight with another student. I was suspended from uni but offered my place back. Since then I got a first class honours degree. Iv worked for the local council, Im currently a support worker helping people with learning difficulties. Iv passed my driving test. I have successfully managed the buisness of running my home with no rent arrears or problems with my neighbours for 5 years. Iv also worked voluntarily for charities. My purpose of travel is to work as I gain relevant life experience that can improve my personal and professional development. I have been accepted by Wieensland University to do my Masters degree and hope to change over to a Student Visa once Iv completed my WHV. I have saved enough money to pay for my tuition fees £14,000. What are my chances of having my WHV accepted and why is it taking so long with the VACCU??? And lastly when will I find out?
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