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Posts posted by gafuk

  1. Hi All ,

      Our lodgement was 18th December 2014 ( not 14th as I have on my timeline) and we have today had our invitation email.

    Meds/ Police/ Aos  ......after a long wait its happening !

    I found this forum only a few months ago but thank you to all for the information offered and stories shared.

    Any newcomers , there is great support here !!

    • Like 8
  2. 11 hours ago, Alan Collett said:

    I hesitate about predicting timelines for communications from the PVC, as I can make myself a hostage to fortune.

    Nevertheless, I recommend you work on the basis that visa grant will happen, and should take place by Xmas.

    Given your timeline I think there is also merit in enquiring of the PVC whether you can progress the AoS.   I have a client application lodged at the beginning of Dec 2014 where an AoS request was issued in early July.

    Remember that a watched pot never boils, and all good things come to those who wait!

    Best regards.


    11 hours ago, Alan Collett said:

    I hesitate about predicting timelines for communications from the PVC, as I can make myself a hostage to fortune.

    Nevertheless, I recommend you work on the basis that visa grant will happen, and should take place by Xmas.

    Given your timeline I think there is also merit in enquiring of the PVC whether you can progress the AoS.   I have a client application lodged at the beginning of Dec 2014 where an AoS request was issued in early July.

    Remember that a watched pot never boils, and all good things come to those who wait!

    Best regards.

    Hi Alan,

     Thank you again for your help and advice. I hope your presence here drums up support for Go Matilda as It is great reassurance having someone so knowledgeable around!.

    I have today had my invitation to get medicals and police checks plus AOS started. Yippee ( I think )  as now have to finance the 2nd vac and house sale is messy.

    Thanks again


    • Like 7
  3. On 06/09/2017 at 08:06, Alan Collett said:


    Based on current planning levels and the allocation of the majority of the Other Family places to the Carer visa category, it is currently estimated that Remaining Relative and Aged Dependent Relative visa applications that were lodged in 2014 and meet the criteria to be queued are likely to take approximately 50 years to be released for final processing (calculated from 14 August 2014).

    Best regards.

    Hi Alan.

                  Sorry but I've read the document and your email 50 times. The current processing date is 25th November 2014.  Our lodgement date 14/12/14,  I am expecting an email for AOS any day.  What do you reckon ?

  4. On 8/30/2017 at 11:18, Lynn Moore said:

    Hi All

    I need some advice if possible.  Myself and my husband will be in this waiting room until next year.  Not that I am complaining much as you are all a lovely bunch and it makes me so happy when I read someone has reached the end of the waiting room and is off to new adventures.  Anyway,  I am doing a dog grooming course in October in preparation for our move but my husband is a HGV driver for 31 years.  He will be 57 when we move over and we are worried his age will go against him as we will have to work until we receive our pensions.  For people who are already over there or may know something do you foresee this as a problem.  Because if he cannot get a job we will have been in the longest waiting room for nothing and will not be able to move.  Any advice is very much appreciated.


    No first hand experience as I'm still in the waiting room. Being in our early sixties,  I have been a bit worried about jobs as my wife and I are both intending to work when we eventually get to Perth. I have posted here and on other forums and the feedback I have had is that some ageism does exist and with the downturn in the mining and therefore the Perth economy I may have some trouble getting something. However having been on holiday the last couple of years I have made some friends and have two or three possibilities already in the pipeline. I don't know where your heading but everything goes by truck and when you start building your network surely "who you know and not just what you know" will provide some openings. Especially your husband with his experience and a HGV licence will stand a great chance of employment.  From what I've seen the Australian austerity is not like ours and there still seems to be plenty of money around.  Jobs are there and hopefully you both and us both will stumble into something quickly. We will all be millionaires before we get our UK pensions .

    Good luck anyway.

    • Like 2
  5. 15 hours ago, Bear2015 said:

    gafuk and Michellenuyen ,

    Any news from Immigration? 




    No Not yet, any day I reckon for email to start AOS docs etc. We have hopefully got a buyer for our house and hope the timing all matches to sort the finances. Wouldn't mind if I done hear anything for a week or two tbh. Assuming the house sale goes smoothly and the AOS  takes 3 months to process as normal, should be ok. Bit risky and stressful but just hope the timing works out or its a bridging loan ££££. I will let you know as soon as I get any word, we are all getting a little closer every day !

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  6. 17 hours ago, MICHELLENGUYEN said:

    Our lodgement is 27 Nov 2014, Acknowledged 18 Mar 2015

    While everyone gets acknowledged around 1 month after lodgement, while we get it after 3 months ( holidays period Dec !!!). Does it mean IMMI didnt communicate with my solicitor effectively via her email ????

    I called my solicitor and noone there seems caring about our hot-seat right now. She sent me an email advising to wait for ...2-3 months...!(for real?)

    Website said 25 Nov 2014...we are just 2 days behind...why people at 5 Dec 2014 got their invitation. Should it because my brother is dependent and he's over 23yo now???

    Please give me some hope...!


    Should I call any number or email Immigration ?

    Thanks everyone for your time and hope you have a great weekends !



    Haven't got any advice I'm afraid. If it goes on the movement date it's November ! I think you will get "the" email any day. There is a gentleman called Alan Corlett ( i hope) who lost all the time. He is an agent and will know.  I would Scan back a couple of pages to track him down and PM Him . It maybe he's on holiday or I think he might have responded to your post.

    • Like 1
  7. I might be a bit thick but I really cannot see what a reciprocal agreement between UK an Australia has to do with me getting the fair amount of pension.My payment will be paid into my account by the UK government taken from the pot I have paid into for the last 50 years !. Could it be they ( the politicians) are finding any grubby way they can to make sure there's plenty in the pot for there massive pensions . No I take it back i am sure that wouldn't cross their minds .  I suppose it any of us cannot afford to exist on our frozen pensions we have the option of selling up and coming back to the UK. At least we will have had some quality time with the kids and grandkids. Awful thought but if needs must it's what we will have to do. I presume they won't be able to stop us ?

    5 hours ago, Fisher1 said:



  8. Just now, gafuk said:

    My intention is to live until I am 120 ish, can't instantly work out the math (s) on that one

    Just now !


    well unless th UK government have a change of heart and play fair ( in my opinion) to those who have worked and paid their share for a pension, I guess I will have to hope i can do ok in Australia and not "need" the increases to survive . Am I happy to go to share my life with my kids regardless ? Yes I can't wait !

    • Like 4
  9. 2 hours ago, Kathss56 said:

    Yes once you start receiving pension in Oz it is frozen from that day onwards - you can claim the extra every time you came back for a visit.  But this is to top up each year before you reach 66 if you leave the UK before that age. At the £700 a year she told me - don't think it's worth it to get an extra £4.50 a week for every year up to claiming but, that is £4.50 a week extra for life she said !! Depends how long you plan on living I suppose!! :biglaugh:

    My intention is to live until I am 120 ish, can't instantly work out the math (s) on that one

    Just now !


    • Like 4
  10. 10 hours ago, Amytran1 said:

    Congrats hopefully i can hear from immigration soon my application is on the 8/12/14 


    Hi Amytran1

    Please let us know when you hear something We are a week or so behind you and would really like to share you journey step by step. Only just putting house up for sale so bit nervy if things progress too fast or too slow !


  11. Hi nanajan, I have pondered the different scenarios and our first problem is we haven't got all of the funds in our bank and need to have the house sold to complete our finance.  We are both fit ( ish) and no known serious medical problems so we are optimistic ( if not just hopeful ) that we will be accepted medically. Yes, if something horrible came up on the medical we would buy somewhere smaller anyway .

    I wonder if immigration read these posts?  I do feel they should offer a lot more information about what medical conditions are accepted, probable timelines for lodgement dates etc. This is such a radical change of circumstances where "we" are selling homes, everything we have spent our lives achieving . I have a business to wrap up, finances to sort out With tax , vat etc Without  knowing when or if we will get a visa granted. All this and we are paying a handsome sum of money , which I believe is justified, to be with our children. They are young and love their new lives and country and want  spend their working lives contributing to Australias future. If we cannot join them I doubt they would be as sure.

    I hope to make Australia my home  and contibute to its future also. Would love some more info to lessen the guesswork and therefore stress!  At this point I should sing the national anthem but I have not got to that page in the handbook yet !

    thanks again everyone for any information posted 







    • Like 3
  12. Next question ( theres a million more flashing through my mind)

    " IF " we sell our house say October and are homeless, is it feasible for us to"holiday" in Australia awaiting payment of 2nd vac and eventual issuing of Visa? I know we might have to then suffer a short break in Bali or somewhere to activate the visa but that's life. Otherwise we have to move in with family here or commit to a 6 months rental.

    What would you do ?

  13. Great news for the above who have had requests for AOS and police checks etc. I am a couple of weeks behind you in my lodgement dates. Does anyone have an idea of a timeline from when you get THE email for Aos etc. Is the going rate a 3 month wait for Centrelink to process the AOS then another couple for the Visa Grant ......do you reckon ??

  14. 2 hours ago, Alan Collett said:

    I don't see any specific efforts being made by the PVC to encourage the 103 and 804 visa applicants to switch to Contributory Parent visa applications, save for advertising an extended processing time for the non Contributory Parent cases and only making available sufficient visas annually as to achieve the expected outcome.

    Best regards.

    Hi Alan, I know your not God but with your knowledge of the system, do you feel this latest bit of news of possible switching of 103  and 804 applicants is likely to have an immediate effect on us 143 applicants. We applied Dec 2014 and thought we were ready to start packing boxes !  There's worse things that can happen but it's  Sooo difficult to plan anything . Your opinion please ?. 

    • Like 1
  15. 8 hours ago, Alan Collett said:

    For your info, the Parent Visa Centre should only communicate with your agent.

    Indeed, if your visa application is progressing at the same rate as others lodged around the same time I'm not sure what you will be enquiring about.

    Indicative visa processing times are already provided on the Department of Immigration website, as referenced above.

    Best regards,

    Thanks Alan, Yes we are where we are in the queue but the projected processing times have gone from 36 to 39 months (90%). The question is with a late Dec 2014 lodgement are we now talking Feb/March 2018  (39 months) before we hear anything and the ball starts rolling?. Thats a big difference in our houses sale plans. Just anxious and frustrated ( like others I'm sure).

    Incidently. do you know if the 39 months Immi refer to is start or completed by date please ?.


  16. On 16/06/2017 at 08:32, Catlady2014 said:

    Totally agree.  My agent tells me they have quite a few others at the exact same stage as me, still waiting to be asked for the second vac.  So at least I know it's not just my application that's stuck.  But I still send regular emails to the agent to check.  

    Tried talked no to our agent who insists we just have to wait. Nothing at all they can do!. I am going to email immigration to see if they will divulge any information that might give us a clue when we might progress, anyone else emailed them? Can anyone advise on best email to contact them on? 

  17. 10 minutes ago, Catlady2014 said:

    Yes, I have an agent.  I admit that I did keep badgering the agent just in case info was not being passed to me quickly enough.  You can do your Police Report off your own bat, and from memory it costs roughly £50, and it's very quick to come back.  However, bear in mind that it's only valid for one year, so if you get it done too early you will have to get another done later on.  You can't do the medical until Immi "invite" you to, at which time you'll be provided with a HAP id no. which you will need when you book the medical with a practitioner on the list provided at the time - certain practices are authorised, so you can choose the one closes to you.  Your agent should be advised by Immi, and the agent should pass the info to you.  Chase the agent - just in case.  Immi won't ask for the medical too soon, as again it's only valid for one year.  

    I have just emailed my agent, thanks


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