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Posts posted by CRP82

  1. Hi All.

    I am looking for some advice please. 

    I have PR and lived in Australia for around 14 months. I'm currently in the UK and intend to return to Australia long term before the end of the year. I have submitted an application for a 12 month RRV with evidence from my employer that we have significant business in Australia, so I'm fairly confident it will be granted.

    However, the process is taking a while and my cousin is getting married in Australia in a few weeks time. Does anyone know if I can apply for a visitor visa while I'm awaiting the RRV decision and attend the wedding? I will leave after that and return to Aus if/when the RRV is granted.   


    Many thanks.

  2. Thanks Kevsan.


    I can't say I have counted the applications so it is probably more than 100. Whatever the number is, I have applied for everything remotely close to what I do, under a variety of titles. Both permanent and contract.


    Although you may have a point about the new financial year. I'm not sure I can afford to wait any longer though.


    Hoffer... I am more functional than technical. My background is in healthcare and pharmaceuticals. My SQL skills are fairly good and I can build complex business processes.


    I have managed projects before, but have no formal qualifications. Which everyone seems to want. I have applied for project management roles too.

  3. Hi all.


    I have around 7 years experiance as an Implementation/Delivey consultant in the UK, and have been looking for work in Brisbane for about 5 months. I'm sorry to say that I have received next to no response or feedback from any of the 100 or so applications I have submitted. I have a small amount of Australian experiance from a project a few years ago, but it doesn't seem to count for much. The market seems pretty dead or perhaps over saturated at the moment.


    I have tried both recruitment agents and contacting companies directly. There certainly seems to be a 'who you know' rather than 'what you know' culture here. I have been told that a few times too.


    Sadly I think I may have to return to the UK where I might have some more success.


    Gutted. :(


    PS: I don't want to put anyone off coming here. I really like it, but just wanted to let you know what I have experienced.

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