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Everything posted by Colin

  1. Bungo, I have been informed the Variation of conditions form will allow me to come and go. I did a little digging around myself after and found this information which pretty much backs everything up. https://www.immigration.govt.nz/new-zealand-visas/apply-for-a-visa/tools-and-information/general-information/variation-of-travel-conditions
  2. Wooba, Yes, things are starting to look pretty positive now, although I have spent most of my nightshift finally getting to the bottom of it. Apparently I will need a variation of conditions to my visa which isn't that cheap AND I'm not sure why I need this just yet, but the main thing is that it can be done
  3. I have found out some additional information so thought I'd update the thread. An Australian Permanent Resident Visa holder can enter NZ with this Visa. Upon arrival you will then be issued with a NZ PR visa. You will then be able to apply for flexible travel visas to come and go from NZ. In theory there should be no issues for me except as my visa has an expiry date nobody will confirm whether NZ authorities will class this visa as permanent. I think it will be fine but when you will be leaving your job and flying across the world some guarantees would be nice at this stage. I have approached some Visa people but they seem a bit fluffy and want to push me into applying for a new visa completely (not surprising as they will earn more money from this). I'm going to keep pressing ahead and try to find out some more, hopefully I can update with some good news soon!
  4. Haha ok I didn't mean prisoner in that sense, but if I left to see family should there be an issue at home I'd be unable to return and therefore my job will be lost as well. That's my biggest fear to be fair. So what you have said clarifies what my thoughts are. As I'm not in Aus then Australia will have no reason to give me a rrv which to be fair is understandable. I will have to find out if nz will be able to offer me a similar temporary visa or like you suggest go out there and look at other visa options. Thanks for your help
  5. Hi, I'm not sure if anyone can help as this is a little random and maybe on the wrong site but here goes! A few years I got a 175 (perm res) visa for Australia, I went over within a year to validate the visa but for personal reasons have not been back since. This Visa expires one year from now. If I used this Visa to go to Australia as long as I stay for two years I should be allowed to get Return Visas in order to come and go from Aus and there would be no issues. I have been offered a position in New Zealand and this Visa will allow me to move there with the same conditions. Therefore I should be able to travel to NZ to work and stay forever. My question is will I be able to get a Return visa from anyone in New Zealand after a two year period or will I have had to spend two years in Aus? I basically need to find out if I will be a prisoner in NZ once I arrive or are there means to take a holiday or visit family back home! My current thought is sit it out for five years and get citizenship but if my family become ill or something happens at home I need to get back for then I will lose everything Thanks if anyone is able to help.
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