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Posts posted by ssiri

  1. Your puppy will be fine, COVID-19 is different to Canine Coronavirus and Feline Coronavirus. At this stage unless the breeder has COVID-19 then please don’t be concerned. Your puppy will have had its first vaccine before leaving if it’s 8 week old. I don’t know about your vet but the AVA have told all vets they can only do emergency clinics which doesn’t include vaccinations etc, so for now please don’t worry about any further vaccines. If you are wanting to walk your pup and can’t wait until the restrictions are lifted you may find a vet who will vaccinate or pm me and I will see if I can put you in touch with someone. These are strange times for all of us right now.

    Thanks PQ. That’s reassuring - we’d be devastated if he was vulnerable. Our breeder lives in Arcadia.

    Thanks also for the offer of possible contacts for a vet, if its looking dicey with finding a vet for boosters etc. I’ll PM you if needed/able.
  2. Fingers firmly crossed. We are due to get our lab pup in four weeks. Hope he is healthy and safe when he comes to us, and remains that way. ie: we’ve been safe so far, and expect to remain that way, but trips to vets etc. may possibly mean he contracts it and would be too young to survive [emoji53]

  3. Good luck and best wishes for the move. In Aus it depends where about you go, maybe. I found that joining various groups, social/gym etc. helps with reference to being less isolated.


    However I understand, about feeling isolated and what that can do to a person. The important thing is that you are coming to this with a well rounded assessment of what to expect and that’s great. It helps.


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  4. Thank you MaggieMay. I read on DIBP site that both certificates are valid for 12 months. 
    Do you think it is better to provide police & medical certs until CO asks? Or provide after 3 month of lodgement as AsimMalik suggested above?

    Wait till the CO asks. It means you don’t waste money and the date of entry after visa grant is reasonable (I had 11 months to enter Aus after my visa grant).
  5. Well no fear you won't read any Whinging Pom references on this thread. (They would be removed) Still my take on things would be for those wannabe Aussies yet to step foot in 'The Lucky Country', to take a bite of both sides of the apple before buying. Great to read positive stories but to keep it real. I doubt if many come with the intention to moan.

    Things are different in certain aspects for sure, but to my mind that's the point. If I wanted the same, Id stay where I was. I take your point though, it's best to have goals and expectations that are realistic and trying before buying may help with making that assessment (are the goals realistic or not).

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  6. So arrived Melbourne mid June via a 4 day layover in Singapore which was lush. Our Aussie dream started in 2006 when we got married in Barossa. Fast forward 11 years and we've arrived! 
    Within three weeks, we had a car, house, Medicare, Centrelink set up, school place. Week four saw my daughter start school, week five was our week for starting work, husband full time permanent and me on a temp to perm whilst I suss them out! Also added bonus of working school hours only!
    In a nutshell, it's great. It's been an eye opener, going to view rental properties was very up and down and the way they do things out here in that respect is very different but we have a home and that's that! We will buy a house next year!! 
    We opened accounts with Westpac over a year ago and they opened a GBP account for us before we left the UK so transferring money is a breeze and without any kind of transaction fees! We also get a preferential exchange rate. They are partners with our UK bank Barclays and so it's all made just that bit easier. 
    People were whinging at me about high cost of living but I haven't seen that. Wages are high (I'm in a bog standard project Admin job and if I was full time, my equivalent salary in GBP would be £45000!) , and many activities are free at weekends so we are spending less anyway. Yes if you want British branded this and that, you will pay higher but there are equally good alternatives within Australia so if you wanna pay extra, that's your choice! Quality of food here is amazing and the choice never ceases to amaze me.
    I've met a few whinging poms since I've been here, who moan about lack of decent gravy and tea. I truly believe such individuals should've stayed in the UK [emoji23][emoji23]
    Yes you are far away from family. In our case tho, we were already living in a different country within UK from our folks anyway so it really isn't any big deal, and Skype is just as easy here.
    Australia so far (8 weeks today I think) is awesome and hopefully it will continue to be so. It's definitely been the right decision for us!!! ?[emoji1255][emoji1255][emoji1255][emoji1255]?

    Our experience as of January this year has not been dissimilar to yours. Loving it. I tend to keep away from the whinging Poms in real life [emoji6]

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  7. More than the right fit and experience for the job, the language and way candidates express themselves tends to be an issue. Then there is the bad luck to factor in because Australia works on who you know rather than what you know. If you have contacts who vouch for your work ethics and experience then the recruiting manager happily takes their word to give that person a chance. They dont care if you always worked in the Energy sector but want to move into the Banking domain, if someone vouches for you then you get in
    I wouldnt say that companies here dont look at expats with no local experience. From personal experience, I know of 3 companies struggling to get the right people for major work in Agile, DevOps, CI/CD etc. A lot of companies accept industry experience from European countries and America, which I can attest to in my own example. It took me 5 weeks to find a role and I'm just your boring run of the mill Project Manager while my partner is a PMO/finance analyst (BTW, she got a role in 2 days). At my work place we still need more PMs but can't the right candidates, whether with local or international experience
    Dont want to scare people so its important to have a well balanced view. Spend a little time researching and you can quickly find out how you'd fare in the local work force market here. It's not a mature market so people with niche skills may take a long time to find a role or need to branch out. The complexity of projects too isnt comparable to bigger markets like the UK or USA, this has been said many times before on this forum. People tend to quickly get bored with the work as it's not satisfying professionally

    Which state are you based in, and what areas are you looking for PMs for? Could you pls IM me?

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  8. I didn't think Aussies pronounced Wollongong as Wool...... Woolloomooloo is pronounced as in wool,
    I don't have a problem with Wagga pronounced as Wogga any more than Derby as Darby!
    Different pronounciations of words are the norm wherever you go. I only just found out that Gillingham in Dorset is NOT pronounced as the "G" in Germany as per the Gillingham in Kent?
    The "Al" in Albany WA and Albury NSW are pronounced differently and I think the same is true of Coogee WA compared to Coogee NSW.

    I've been corrected by my other half (an Aussie) and my Aussie work colleagues - was reliably informed it's as Woollen as sheep [emoji846]. Maybe it's regional accents, don't know.

    As for Wagga, I was taking the mick. I find it all rather quirky and charming [emoji106]

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  9. I might be going part native. I've conceded 'Woollengong' and have used Daaa Taaa at a few work meeting in the last couple of weeks already. How ever Wagga Wagga was the proverbial straw. It remains pronounced as its spelt, despite all the corrections and stares and finger wagging.....

    Sent from my iPhone using PomsinOz

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