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Posts posted by Debstu

  1. Just down the road in Witham would you believe it! my other half s waiting for sponsored 457 lots of interest from BMW dealership but because we can't be ready to move because of our cats until October they can't commit yet but his time is running out as he's 50 this year. If that doesn't pan out then the CPV route as my son lives in Melbourne and can sponser us. Are you going out for work or family or retirement?

  2. We are 49 and 56 and are waiting for my partners job offer (sponsorship) to come through then we will be coming to Melbourne around October this year, all bring well, on the 457 visa. I have a son his wife and 2 twin babies living in Melbourne and the plan is once we are settled 18 months to 2 years we will apply for our permanent parent visa. Has anyone done this and do you still have to go through all the usual channels? We will both be working . Any advice please..

  3. As to the price I was just trying to say that if there was a way of applying for a PR visa, based on you or your husband's skills, that would be a whole lot cheaper than applying for a CPV. The permanent visa application, such as a 189 visa, would need to be lodged prior to the 50th birthday. A 189 visa would cost approx AUD 3600 while the CPV costs AUD 46000.


    Good luck with the job interview and getting your 457 visa, if that is the way you go. Just remember to keep an eye on the timeframe for the CPV, the time it takes to process seems to be extending.


    Thanks again for the info Val. The PR only applies if you on the SKills list and under 50 ( he only has another 7months) and he on the consolidated skills list which means he has to have job skills assessments etc which given the time frame we have will be nearly impossible. Unfortunately a year earlier it might have been a more realistic option. I agree the costs are horrendous but I,m sure will be worth it. We have been visiting Melbourne for the last eight years and love it there and am also aware of the cost of living compared to the UK which despite a lot of horror stories on here I think are all relative to earnings. We will be in about the same financial position in Oz as we are here and both have a few more years of working ahead and looking forward to the challenge. Hope you manage to overcome all your problems with your visa.

  4. Hey Val, thanks so much for the quick reply. There is a reason why we are going this route as we have to sell our house to release the equity to pay the CPV. The agency we are using are specialists in the motor trade and based in Sydney and they are confident they will find a job sponser in Melbourne. There are a lot of openings for his trade in Melbourne so that's why we are hopeful this route will enable us to get there and then we can sort out our CPV once we are settled. Our plan is to rent for a year and then buy. We were thinking towards the end of the 2nd year to put in the application for permanent residency by which time we should be more settled. Can you tell me why it would be cheaper to do it from this end? Thanks

  5. We are hoping to be moving to Melbourne later this year. My partner is waiting for job sponser for his 457 visa and has had his job interview by Skype. He is coming up to 50 this September so running out of time. The 457 is for 4 years during which time we want to apply for our CPV. My son lives in Melbourne with his wife and my new twin grandchildren so I am desperate to be around for them growing up. My question is can we apply for CPV while on a 457 and can this be due from Australia and does it cost the same?

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