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Posts posted by Bryson67

  1. I have been asked by immigration to provide a court order within 28 days saying I have sole parental responsibility.  This seems highly unlikely I will be able to obtain this. I sent a stat dec from a solicitor stating sole parental responsibility. I am now in contact with my sons father and he is willing to sign form 1229 giving permission but i am unsure if this is the correct form and unclear what a certified copy of his passport is? Realistically he has no parental responsibility so I'm not sure what good getting him to sign this form would do as it's meant to be for a parent with parental responsibility. 😟

  2. He has sporadically paid £2 a week maybe ten times in 12 years. He said he wasnt sure what the Australian authorities are asking for. He is saying he can do a declaration saying I have sole parental responsibility in Scotland and there are no access arrangements/court orders but he is not sure that will suffice

  3. Morning, I have ten days left to put my Visa application in and I am struggling to find a solicitor who can do a statutory declaration saying I have sole parental responsibility. My sons dad is not on his birth certificate nor were we ever married. He has no access or court orders in place. I've asked the father to sign the statutory declaration but he is refusing to do so. Can anyone advise exactly what I would need to do/what documents i need to prove sole parental responsibility. Thanks in advance

  4. Can anyone help please. I have completed skills assessment and put in EOI but I am not being awarded the 10 points for my skills. I have put my aqf in as a qualification and skills assessment and neither is granting me the points. Any help greatly appreciated. It is clearly something I am doing wrong and there are no contact details for help from skill select ?

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