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Everything posted by Rosiegirl

  1. Thanks for your replys - although we would love to go back earlier, we will be in a better financial position if we leave it a couple of years rather than going back right away. Just trying to do the right thing for our sons future but we also have to be in the best position for us too. Going for a holiday next month and will have a look into it further.
  2. Thanks for your reply. Doing an apprenticeship here would mean staying longer which we really don't want to do. He is currently in year 10 and we were going to finish his schooling here and then go back and get him into a training course. Hoping that this will be straight forward.
  3. We are planning to move back to the UK when my son finishes year 12. He has been diagnosed with dyslexia and will be going the vocational pathway. My question is will he be able to get into a course straight away or will be have to wait 3 years for residency. He is interested in either hospitality, electrician or plumber. Any advice is appreciated.
  4. Thanks for the replys - very helpful:smile:
  5. Thanks for the replys. I was thinking opening an account with Citibank here so that I can use it for our holiday but note your reply Marissa about branches only in London. Is it a problem getting money out of ATM's outside London? Maybe HSBC maybe better - but do they charge? I was thinking that if I had a bank account that I can use in the UK, it would make it easier to access funds when we eventually move back until we are able to get a bank account over there.
  6. I'm wondering who to open a bank account with - Citibank or HSBC? We're thinking seriously about moving back in around 3 years and will obviously need a bank account, in the meantime we are going back for a holiday and was thinking of opening the account for spending money and some savings. Has anyone had any experience of using Citibank or HSBC? Thanks
  7. Thanks for all your helpful replies, I'll look into the Caxton card or possibly open a UK bank account either City Bank or HSBC as we're thinking about returning in the next couple of years.
  8. Which pre paid card did you use nickynook?
  9. That must have been awful patphillips. Good idea to split the money and cards
  10. i haven't got a uk bank account unfortunately
  11. I've been googling reviews on these money cards and they seem very negative, am I better just taking my bank card to get cash out when I need it? We're going for 4 weeks
  12. Thanks for that. I'll look into the money cards. Are there any that are better than others?
  13. We're off to the uk soon on a family holiday and was wanting to know the best way of spending money. Has anyone used those money cards or do you think a credit card will be better? Thanks
  14. Thanks for your replys. You are right - there will never be a right time. I'm in the process of reregistering with NMC and we going back for a holiday in July. We'll have a good look around then, chat to schools, look into jobs etc. 5 years is a long time and we're not getting any younger.
  15. The reason for waiting is financial security really and the worry of my children's future. But then again my husband is really miserable here and I am getting that way myself. Just wish I could have a crystal ball.
  16. Hi, i thought I would introduce myself, I have been lurking around the forum and there has been some great advise and also validation of how I am feeling about being here in WA. We are a family of 4, we have good jobs earning good money and live in a lovely area, we should be settled and happy, except we're not. We are so bored especially now our children are older, there really isn't very much to do. We really haven't been 100% happy here for 20 years but persevered for the sake of the kids. I miss popping down to see my family and old friends, just going for a walk in the country side, generally having more to do. I have not regretted being here, far from it, it's given me lots of opportunities. But I can see that when my kids leave home and go there own way (they both want to spend time in the uk) we'll be very very lonely and bored. There is a distinct lack of community feel, I fear that I could die here and no one would know for ages! My original plan was to move back in 5 years and in that time pay my mortgage off so that I can buy a house outright by then my eldest would have just finished uni and my youngest would be 19 (not going to uni but could be doing an apprenticeship by then. However, now that we've made the decision I can't wait to return, but don't want to ruin my children's future. If we aim for next year, my youngest may repeat year 10 and my eldest will just work for 3 years until residency is granted and attend Uni there, but this is taking a chance. Don't know what to do. Feeling homesick.
  17. Hi, we are seriously thinking of moving back and was wondering if it's worth shipping back a new Ducati motorbike? Thanks
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