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Posts posted by CiderDrinkingCoder

  1. That does look particularly odd. However, I just wanted to challenge a notion made by another contributor here that they will 'try anything to fail you'. If that's the case, it certainly hasn't been my experience.


    I wonder if this might be a software glitch. PTE's systems don't always necessarily time out 100% unless you give a 3 second gap after finishing your answer before hitting next during speaking sessions; I've got a sneaky suspicion that this might cause a null value to be returned to the server in place of a recording, but couldn't prove it.


    OP - when you gave your oral responses, did you wait until the timer ran out, or did you click the next button to move on?


    Regardless, I do hope you get this sorted out. I could understand a drop to 80, but 60 seems somewhat bizarre when you're polling 90 on the other 3 sections. How did you do for the discrete components underneath the main four?

  2. Given you're reviving a thread that's coming on for two years old, and the poster you're referring to last posted on this thread nearly 2 1/2 years ago, it's pretty unlikely they'll respond.


    This is Poms In Oz: we're predominantly, well... Poms, so unlikely to be able to offer you much assistance.

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