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Posts posted by dotdotslash

  1. I am starting the journey of applying for Australian Citizenship. I am a South African citizen.

    Apparently, I need to apply for "Retention of South African Citizenship" before applying for Australian Citizenship, or I will lose South African citizenship. 

    Is there something I can use as "proof of non-acquisition of Australian Citizenship" when I send off my forms to South Africa? It sounds a little backwards, but my friend in the UK had to do similar and the UK provides a "proof of non-acquisition of British Citizenship" form.

  2. On 12/02/2019 at 14:33, Ken said:

    You don't actually have to set up concurrent wills at the same time. The important thing to remember is that the standard line in the second will that says it revokes all previous wills needs to be amended so that it says that it doesn't revoke the first will (but that the other will is for use in the other country only).

    Ok, thanks Ken. That makes a lot of sense.

  3. My partner and I are fortunate to have some assets both in the UK and in Australia.

    We have informal wills, but now we are deciding to be responsible and do things right. We would like to have official Wills drawn up. From the small amount of research that we've done, it seems that having concurrent Wills (one for assets in the UK and one for assets in AU) would be a good way to go.

    Does anybody have any lawyers that they can recommend to help us set this up from Australia? If anybody has done something similar, I would love to hear how you approached it.

  4. Thanks for the replies. Sounds like there isn't any need to worry too much about the renewals then, Sponsor just can't leave the country unil RRV is granted.

    Just to confirm, does the travel restriction apply to the Partner on 820? Hypothetically, what if the Partner wishes to leave the country for a short holiday or trip out of necessity while the Sponsor stays in Australia?


  5. 3 minutes ago, Marisawright said:

    I'm assuming you are both in Australia?   In that case, I'm pretty sure it doesn't matter which one you do first, they're completely separate. 

    Your partner's 189 visa doesn't expire in 2019.  His travel facility expires, i.e. his right to travel in and out of the country.   People live for years in Australia without ever getting a RRV, if they never travel overseas.  So it won't affect your 801 application.

    It's a different story if you're currently living outside Australia.

    Thanks for the reply. Yes, we're both currently in Australia. Happily enjoying the country and building our new life.

    That makes sense. So we will apply for the 155 once confident the 2 year period for the 5 year renewal has passed and apply for the 820 whenever we've got the documents together and just not plan any trips outside the country around this time until the 155 has been granted.


  6. I need some advice. Background:

    * Partner Visa Sponsor holds 189 Visa that expires roughly June 2019. Plans to apply for Resident Return Visa (155) before this expiry date. Complication is that Sponsor will have only spent 2 years in Australia roughly April 2019.

    * Partner Visa Sponsee holds 820 Visa. Visa applied roughly May 2016. Therefore should be eligible to submit documents for 801 Visa roughly April 2019.

    * Therefore both Visas can basically be applied for in April 2019.


    Which order should the visas be applied for? Should the Resident Return Visa (155) be applied for first and wait for it to be approved before applying for the Partner Visa 801? Does the Partner somehow need to be added to the 155 application, or does it not matter? Or should we submit both Visa applications independently?


  7. 15 hours ago, TheWayOfThePony said:

    Finally! congratulations, what a relief it must be ?  you can put your feet up for 2 years!

    Thanks! Yes, it's a huge relief not having to worry anymore. We can stop checking the IMMI account on a monthly basis now! ?

    I probably shouldn't think about it yet, but what happens for the 801? Do they contact us via IMMI when we are eligible to apply for the 801? We'll obviously keep them notified about any address changes or changes in circumstances etc. We'll also keep all of our bills etc so that we have evidence for the 801 when that day comes.


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  8. A quick update on our case. Still waiting unfortunately.

    When our front-loaded police checks expired, they asked us to redo those. Not overjoyed about having to pay for those again. My partners medical checks are coming up for expiry too, so really hoping we don't get asked to do those again. It's the risk we took though and apart from the visa wait, everything else in Australia has been kind to us.

    Almost 13 month wait for us now. Hopefully not too much longer.

  9. I'll keep this thread updated on our progress with an onshore application. We front-loaded, purely out of naive optimism! :)

    So far, no case-officer assigned, as you'd expect. My partner's tourist visa expired and she is now on the bridging visa and starting work in Sept. We are secretly hoping we get a case-officer for Christmas, but at the same time, we know this isn't realistic. 

    Fingers crossed things go quickly for you. And for us!

  10. Just a quick update to let anybody know who is watching this post or wants an indication of the current onshore processing times. It's been 2 months for us so far, and there has been no movement yet. We are still awaiting a case officer. We knew and expected this, so we weren't hoping for any movement so soon anyway. Perhaps after 6-12 months we will see movement.


    A bit of good news is that my partner has secured a fixed-term contract job on the bridging visa and she starts next month.


    Good luck to any others waiting patiently for onshore applications.

  11. On 27/06/2017 at 18:54, Dexi80 said:


    No it has no conditions attached to it.


    You should then be fine to apply for the partner visa onshore (assuming no new changes come in). You'll have a very long wait before you can have work rights, but your bridging visa should be granted shortly after you get your application submitted. If I was you, I would get the application in pronto, so you get the bridging grant notice and also your application is in before any changes come in.




  12. I can more or less confirm what the others have said. The 820/801 route is what you want if you are aiming to get the visa through your Partner Onshore in Australia.


    Your bridging visa is only valid after the expiry of the initial tourist visa. This was the case with my partner. The bridging visa was granted easily, but it is only in force after the tourist visa expires (i.e. 3 months after she arrived).


    So my partner is unable to work for these 3 months. Then after that, she is able to work, but there could be difficulties if employers don't understand the bridging visa category. So it will probably be temp work while we wait for the partner visa to be granted.


    12 months is a long time to wait, but perhaps your circumstances enable it to work on a single salary. Good luck! It might be faster to apply out of country, but that's tough for a family to be split like that. However, I have seen 5 month application times offshore on this forum. While the Onshore people seem to be waiting at least 12 months, if not more.


    Also, don't mean to be a bringer of bad news, but there is a lot of talk about the visa rules changing 1 July. So it may be worth getting your application in before then, although thats going to be a rush.


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