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Posts posted by Nifa77

  1. Hi Everyone


    Just a quick update, been here (Manly QLD) a week now, already bought a car, a motorcycle, loads of bits n bobs from local shops, done drivers licence change, bank accounts, medicare and are attending interviews tomorrow! Been to surfers paradise for the day (Amazing) Been a really busy week :jiggy: Our son starts school on the 23rd of January however our 16yr old daughter decided to stay in the UK with friends to finish her GCSE's..........she will join us in June 2017.


    Have we made the right decision.............ABSOLUTELY !!!!!!


    Best of luck to everyone, and look forward to seeing you "Down Under"


    Wow sounds fantastic. We can't wait to be there. Where about in QLD are you? We are moving in with relatives in Caboolture, north of Brisbane, aiming to be there at the beginning of March.:wink:

  2. That's wonderful news!! :-) I'm so pleased for you. :smile:


    So it is possible to get a visa in about 5 months, I guess it depends on each individual case and how busy they are at the time. May I ask what your situation is?


    I have been with my husband for 22 years and married for 14. I am Australian by birth. We applied for our 2 daughters citizenships back in April and they both now have Australian passports, so it was just my husband to sort out. We're all very happy he has been granted his visa, especially to be given the subclass 100 straight away. Our case officer was really lovely and helpful and answered all of my questions. It is definitely possible to get the visa granted quicker than the time stated but like you said it depends on each case.

  3. We want to move to Brisbane but not sure where yet until we start looking for work but it's a bit son for that as only lodged my visa 1 month ago and we'll have to sell the house. We're just slowly starting to do a bit of organising to be prepared as possible when the time comes. The dog has had her rabies jab (can't travel for at least 7 months after) and we're getting shipping quotes. So exciting but I'm trying chill about it all at least until I hear from our case officer. We absolutely loved Queensland when we went out last year but only had a week there as went to Melbourne & Sydney too.


    we found out this week our dog has passed his rabies blood test, so he is eligible to fly from March 2017. We are going ahead of him to settle in. Our house is going on the market next month, so hopefully we will have everything wrapped up by end of Jan. I need to start getting shipping quotes, so that's next on my list!

  4. Fingers crossed it shouldn't be too long for you now, it's great that you've got family to stay with to get you started. We didn't have tome to go to the sunshine coast when we went there last year but we've heard it's amazing. We just can't wait to explore the whole area more :-)


    Im originally from Adelaide, but job prospects look better in Queensland. It's a huge relief that we can stay with family, we're hoping to do a bit of exploring first and have some adventures, although we will have to get our girls into school. Where about are you looking to go in Oz?

  5. The waiting is so difficult but you're a good way through the process now, it might take another couple of months though as the average seems to be about 6 months. Fingers crossed you get it approved before Christmas! When are you planning on moving and have you started organising yet?

    @carahunter4 @NikkiLondon

    we are hoping to go in February, if our visa is granted. We are going to stay with my cousin in Caboolture which is north of Brisbane but eventually we want to be living in the Sunshine Coast. We have already started some organing in the hope that our visa will come through soon, the waiting game is an excited but anxious one.

  6. Hi, was just wondering how you actually contact your case officer? I used familymigrationlondon************** but it generates an automatic "thank you for the email, if we need to read it we will other if we don't your wont here back blah blah"!


    Hi @Pingpoma we have a lovely case officer and she has replied to every email I have sent (about 5 in total). I send it to the generic email address that you have stated above, I get the automatic email back, then after about 24 hours I have had the reply from her. Like others have said on here if anything was uploaded incorrectly or if anything is missing I'm pretty sure you would've heard from your CO. We had a witness statement missing and she advised us when she asked us for the police check and medical.

  7. Hi everyone,

    Just an update on my experience of going through security etc........

    My visa was approved back in mid July, I flew from Heathrow to Brisbane via Singapore last Weds, I was a little apprehensive about the visa, well just because I'm a worrier!!

    Anyway, landed in Brisbane after 20 hours flying time, and went through the fast self service area, inserted passport into the reader, had the eye scan and then received a ticket (like a train ticket) with my passport details on it, the automatic doors opened, and in I went!

    Picked up my suitcase, pretty much straight away, then back through the next security checkpoint, where I handed in my pre printed ticket and incoming passenger card.......and that was it.......I walked through and had an emotional catch up with my wife, daughter, and in laws, all this within 25 mins of landing.......a wonderful, stress free experience!!

    Jet lag aside, I'm happy and relaxed here on Bribie Island!!




    sounds amazing, I can't wait for this day for me and my family.

  8. I'm wondering if mine will be quicker than 10-14 months official timeline?


    Applied 16th August 2016

    Case Officer assigned 27th September - medical and police check requested

    as of today just waiting for my AFP police check to arrive to upload everything else done


    so why would they ask for meds / character checks now if it was gonna take 14 months


    Hi @Pingpoma

    We applied on the 6th June 2016 for my husbands partner visa. We were assigned a case officer on the 13th July, I was very excited as I didn't expect to hear from anyone for a while. Medical and police check were uploaded at the end of July and beginning of August. I emailed my case officer after the medical was submitted to ask what happens next, she said the visa is nearly granted we are just waiting for authorisation from Australia. I know it's early days but we are still waiting, I thought with everything happening so quickly the visa might also be granted quick too, I suppose I need to learn to be patient! I have been with my husband for 22years, married for 13years with 2 children, I was born in Australia and my children are now Australian citizens. Everything is on hold until the visa is granted, although we have started the process for our dog to get his pet passport.


    Fingers crossed you and I do not have to wait too long, good luck with your adventures. 

  9. We have applied for my husbands partner visa he was the only one that was required to do a police check and medical. I am Australian and my daughters are now Australian citizens by decent and have passports, they are not included in the visa. Have you made sure you have got a witness statemen and uploaded it? That was one of the documents i forgot and it delayed us a little.

  10. It's 3 months to the date when our application was submitted and we received an email from our case officer today stating that the visa is ready to be granted they are just waiting for the authorisation from the central office in Australia. I'm just happy that we can start the ball rolling with the house sale etc but more importantly we can start to get our beloved dog his pet passport.

  11. Hello sorry I missed this.

    Yes we are ready to leave the Uk early October. The visit took under 5 months to come through. Very fast was not expecting it, the average on here seems to be 7 and a half months


    Wow 5 months, that's so fast. I'm keeping everything crossed that ours will be quick too. Did you submit medicals and police check when you lodged you application or did you wait to be told? Also is your visa application pretty straight forward? My husband and I have been together 22 years and married for 13 years, we also have 2 children. Many thanks

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