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Posts posted by Cenomane

  1. You will receive an email, asking for more information, at the point when you are eligible to apply for the 100 visa. At that point, you need to submit more evidence, dating from when the 309 was granted, until present day (ie, the time you are applying for the 100). After you've submitted all that, in a similar way to when you did the 309, your new processing time will start and then you get to wait again. The aspiratioal time-frame given by DIBP for this new processing period is 6-8 months, but as you can see from this discussion, some are quicker and some are slower.


    All right, thanks very much for your help and all the best:)

  2. Hello everybody,


    I'm a bit confused about the process for the PR, I lodged an application for the 309/100 last june and just moved over from the UK. In the grant letter it states that the department will write to me in two years from application time to assess me against PR. But reading the comments here, it seems like i will have to write to immigration? could someone please help me shed a light on that.

  3. [h=3]







    Hi all



    • I completed my medical and I checked the health assessment status on my immiaccount. It says "All health examinations required for the specified visa subclass have been finalised. Processing of this person's visa application can now continue. This will not occur until a case officer investigates the case in line with published processing times for the visa that has been applied for. Do not contact the department about health examinations in the meantime." I take it this means that there was nothing wrong and I just now have to wait? :jiggy:
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