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Posts posted by Freddy

  1. Wow! that is very nice to see the spreadsheet project started. The spreadsheet needs a lot of data to make it meaningful. Everyone please add your whole information to it no mater if you have your visa have been granted or not yet. I am an IT Technician , I can help with the formulas or the logic if your need my help.

  2. I emailed immi politely saying I was following up. My MA did nothing. 3 days layer docs were requested and nomination granted.now waiting for visa.

    29/7 nomination approved 18/2

    3/8 August visa. Diploma & P clearance requested. Already had been attached.

    My suggestion mail with ref in subject line

    Thank you Sunshine1, which immi email address you have send to? nsw.pse@border.gov.au?

    Did you get reply or they just process your file silently?

  3. Hi Freddy. Although the service standard is 6 months, and most visas seem to be granted at this stage, it is not unusual to see some go up until 7 or even 8 months. I shouldn't see this a sign that anything is necessarily wrong with your application--there is just some inconsistency in DIBP processing.


    Do you have a migration agent? If so, get them to get in touch with DIBP. Or do it yourself, if you don't have an agent. You're well within your rights to do so after the 6 month mark.

    Thanks for your reply, I have an agent from start with. But I start to think they are not very responsible, they told me they phoned the DIBP, and the DIBP said I need to wait. I doubt they just say it to palter with me.

  4. Congrats for those just get their happy endings. I've been a silent reader for couple of months. and I need your help.


    Here is my Timeline:

    Nomination --- 26 July 2015

    Visa Application--- 30 July 2015

    High Risk country , Off Shore, Direct stream

    Status: Application Received


    It's been about 7 months now, I check my visa status three times a day But no update at all, not even open my file. Seen so many visas has been granted after mine, I feel very nervous. Dose anyone has any idea what's wrong with my visa? Anyone share the same circumstance with me?

  5. Hi guys, new to the Forums. I have a question, My nomination has been submitted 26th July, However, so far there's no sign of nomination fee has been took from my credit card. Is it normal? Because My Visa application was logged 30th July, they took the fees right away. Also, is anyone know how to check nomination applicaiton status? I see nothing about nomination from my Immigration account website but visa application received. Thank you very much. wish all of us will get the visa smoothly.

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