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Posts posted by bluerob

  1. 29 minutes ago, Maryf said:

    Hi I’ve had a achy with Wes from DUC today what is your opinion, we are considering going with them my husband is a plumber by trade and will be on 65-75 points 

    I'd definitely recommend them, plenty of info. Answered all my questions, passed me onto an migration agent who gave me the details I needed. 

    I will be using them, however my situation is probably different to yours, but I'm trying to find an employer in Aus that's willing to sponsor me. Once I've got this I can get all my paperwork sorted with DUC. 

    The email correspondence I've received has all been FOC, and a couple of phone calls too. All worth it just for the knowledge. 

    If you do with them, they do charge extra to be part of some special forum or something or other. From what I understand this isn't really needed, as you can get that information through your agent or on here. So not really needed. 

  2. Update. 

    I'm going to be sticking with the Down Under Centre, had a decent phone call with them last night. 

    So the option which I'm going to attempt is, once I have my Motorcycle Mechanic Level 3 qualification in my hand. I can get an employer to sponsor me (I have a couple of options) then I can earn my experience in Oz, after the 3rd year of experience I can apply for the skills assessment and then apply for state nomination in SA. 

    So with any luck I shall get to Oz one way or another. 

    Thank you for all the feedback. 

  3. Ok, so with a 491 visa in SA. Which is where I'll be going an staying. 

    I have family support and potentially backing from an employer, I'm due to finish my Level 3 Motorcycle Mechanics NVQ here in the UK and should be equivalent in Oz, within the next few months. As stated previously I have the experience but before the qualification. 

    So with the backing from family & potentially employer, and the qualification I need. I still have to wait a further 3 years until I've got the experience after the qualification. 

    So in 3 years Motorcycle Mechanic might not even be on the skills list, as it's flagged to be potentially removed this March. 

    This is really frustrating. Even my Mum (an Oz resident) is doing her nut of how complicated this all is. 

    Thanks for all the comments & feedback so far guys really appreciate it. 

  4. So, after emails back and forwards with the Down Under Centre. I'll be on the phone to them in the coming days. 

    We are looking at the possibility of a 489 visa. But this is a temporary visa from my understanding. Can I turn this into a permanent visa? As once I'm in Oz I'll be staying am won't be coming back to the UK, only time I'll be back is to visit. 

  5. Does anyone know where it states that I need the experience AFTER the qualification? I can't find anything anywhere to that fact? I have the experience but before the qualification and during the qualification. 

    I can't do the working holiday visa as I'm now 34. So too old for that. 

    When I said going round in circles I meant I wasn't getting answers from companies to my questions. And they wanted a load of money before they'd talk to me properly. However I'm talking to The Down Under Centre, and so far they have been really good with answering my questions. 

  6. Hi All,

    I plan to move to South Australia as soon as possible, but I've been searching for a Migration agent that doesn't rip me off, I expect to pay don't get me wrong. I also need someone/company that will actually reply to emails. 

    I'm a Motorcycle Mechanic with 5 years experience, and due to be finishing Level 3 qualification no later than June this year. My mother lives in SA an has been an Oz resident for a number of years. 

    Who do people recommend for Migration agents? As I seem to be going round in circles. 

    Many Thanks


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