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Posts posted by oliver27

  1. 3 hours ago, Marisawright said:

    This is almost correct, except I'm pretty sure you must do so within five years of the visa being granted, not activated (i.e. your deadline is the same date that's on your passport - you must enter before 08 May 2023).  

    Yes sorry, that’s what I meant 🙂

    Also, I have nothing in my passport, which I believe is normal these days - all electronic.

  2. 2 hours ago, paulhand said:

    Not quite ... you need to spend 2 years in Australia to qualify for a 5 year RRV, but you can still apply for and be granted a one year RRV if you have not spent 2 years, provided you demonstrate that you have substantial personal, business, employment or cultural ties to Australia which are of benefit to Australia. 

    I’m just sticking with the normal RRV that focuses on 2 year residency, and not shorter ones which are a bit more subjective (by the sound of it).

    What do you mean not quite?

    I know I have to spend 2 years, but I guess my question in a nutshell is whether I need to do those two years within my current 5 year subclass 100 ‘window’ or whether I can start a two year period if I enter Australia just before my ‘must not enter after’ date (May 2023)? Or whether both options are feasible.

  3. Thanks all for the advice, much appreciated.

    Just so I understand this clearly (please correct me if I’m wrong)...


    - I can re-enter Australia on this subclass 100 visa (even if I am no longer with sponsor), but must do so within 5 years of the visa being activated. If I was to enter after the 5 year period, the visa would no longer be valid.


    - I can enter the country just before the 5 years are about to expire, but would then need to wait 2 years before applying for the standard 5 year RRV (again, assuming I have no substantial link via partner anymore). I don’t HAVE to have spent 2 years WITHIN my 5 year subclass 100 visa travel allotment, just 2 years at any time during the last 5 years.


    My visa details:

    Date of grant: 08 May 2018

    For first entry, arrive by: 01 March 2019

    Must not arrive after: 08 May 2023

    Length of stay: Indefinite from the date of each arrival

    Travel: Unlimited until 08 May 2023. For travel after this date, apply for a Resident Return visa


    I activated the visa in Oct 2018.


    So I interpret that I have two options:


    Option 1: Arrive in Australia anytime before my visa is up, but then build up 2 years residency.

    As long as I arrive again before May 2023 (as stated as ‘must not arrive after’ on visa), I can then spend 2 years in Australia and then apply for RRV. Although this isn’t ideal, as it would mean if I needed to travel outside of Australia (e.g. for family emergency) I wouldn’t be able to (or I should say I would be able to, but then my visa is lost) as I’d be waiting to build up 2 years of residency.


    Option 2: Ensure I have built up 2 years residency in Australia WITHIN my current subclass 100 travel period.

    So realistically to ensure I have both kept my permanent residency status while still keeping travel rights - I have spent roughly 6 months (Oct 18 - May 19) already and would need to spend another 1.5 years within my current 5 year period the subclass 100 grants (Oct 18 being activation date), so would need to move back to Aus roughly end of 2021 as a ‘deadline’?


    Hopefully I've got this right, and thank you so much for the advice on what I’m finding to be a confusing situation!

    Again, I’d prefer option 3: stay with partner :)

    • Like 1
  4. Hi,

    I have a subclass 100 permanent partnership visa granted to me and spent around 6 months in Australia already. Myself and partner moved back to the U.K. after 6 months in Australia. Although I didn’t like some aspects of Aus, I think we didn’t give it long enough and maybe the location in Australia wasn’t right, not Australia per se. It was mostly my partner who craved to go back to the U.K. and I sometimes wonder whether it was the right choice to return.

    My question is relatively complicated: unfortunately, I feel my relationship may be breaking apart. I want to stay with my partner first and foremost, so hopefully we can work things out, but I’m also thinking about my options if it doesn’t work out in the end, and returning to Australia could be one of those options. For a fresh start.

    However, it’s a ‘partner’ visa, and my partner is my sponsor. Where do I stand with this? Again, it’s a permanent visa. All I can find on google relates to relationship breakdown advice either as part of the application process or if I was on a temporary partnership visa. Not an already granted and activated permanent 100 visa.

    Also, to get an RRV (resident return visa) should I wish to continue living in Aus, I know I would have had to be permanent resident for two years out of five. I’ve spent 6 months already in Australia, so would need to spend about 1.5 years in that five year period to qualify. But would it matter that I wasn’t with my partner anymore?

    If anyone can shed any light that would be helpful. Again, I love my partner more than any geographic location(!) so hopefully things get better and I don’t need to put into practice any of this advice in the end.

  5. 19 minutes ago, BacktoDemocracy said:

    If they are just 2 cardboard boxes of  personal effects then I would be looking for a freight forwarding company, some outfit from around the airport, thats how we got stuff moved that we wanted as soon as we landed back, the thing is you might have to go to the airport to drop off and  collect at the other end as its the cost of collecting and delivering which pushes the money up, if you do that make sure you insure them, there is a firm on here who do it and plaster your contact details on the boxes.

    Thanks for the tip. Yeah just two medium sized removal boxes. 30kg each. We can drop off (think they’ll fit in the car!) as live in Teneriffe so not too far.

    would you happen to know the names of said companies? Or would I just google ‘freight forwarding companies’?

    we don’t mind waiting for these things (as seemed to have lived fine without them whilst we waiting for them for months over here).

  6. Hey,

    anyone have any recommendations for removal company that will ship just 2 x standard cartons (boxes), about 30kg each, from Brisbane to U.K.? Not a lot.

    we used a company called PSS Intl on the way from U.K. > Aus and they were only like £120, but they don’t do the other way from Aus to U.K. and quotes from other companies have been like $500+.

    appreicte the help 🙂

  7. Hey,

    We’re moving back to the U.K. from Brisbane and only have 2 x regular cartons (boxes) to ship back.

    I’ve had a few quotes but they all seem to be way more expensive than the company we used to ship exactly the same amount from the U.K. to Brisbane (we used PSS Intl. but they don’t do Aus > U.K.)

    Any cost-effective companies you can recommend?

    Thanks in advance! :)

  8. 1 hour ago, ali said:

    Sorry to hear it's not worked out .. just an aside, does your Australian Partner have the right to return indefinitely to the UK

    Yes she has a U.K. passport and had been in the U.K. for 7 years prior to this move.

    1 hour ago, Toots said:


    At least you found out early on in the  piece that Australia isn't for you.  So many people seem to feel that they just don't fit in or feel at home here then find they are stuck for whatever reason.  Best to return to the place where you belong.  Sounds like you have had an enjoyable adventure here though.  😀


    Thank you :) that’s what we didn’t want to end up like. If we know now, then why wait? And yes it’s definitely an adventure, not only of Australia but of character and life! :) don’t regret making the move...

    • Like 3
  9. Thanks for everyone’s great responses.

    Firstly, thank you for the info about the resident return visa. I had a feeling this was a long shot, but just wanted to check. Makes sense that you must have lived in Australia for a decent enough time to meet the ‘resident’ part of the ‘resident’ return visa! Oh well. Like someone pointed out, I guess there’s always the possibility of another visa further down the line if we ever wanted that.

    Secondly, I guess I’ll give more texture about our decision as that seems to be a topic of convo. We have had jobs pretty much since we landed and have been relatively settled into the day-to-day-life here to get a feel for what it’s like. Although I agree that three months isn’t long (and most family and friends are saying we need to give it more time), I still think we know by now whether we’re going to want to live here. Also, bear in mind we’re not leaving tomorrow, so if anything changes in a few months then we’ll stay.

    We have already made a pros and cons list, and made it as objective as we could to the specific places (U.K. vs Australia) and things you can’t change about these places (i.e. so no things you could change was able to feature on the list - jobs, friends, etc. - as these things aren’t place specific and can be changed in either place). The U.K. came on top by quite a bit for us. It was based on what was important to us, so obviously this could be completely different for other people, hence why I don’t want to say Australia is rubbish etc. as it’s not at all and I don’t even personally think that. I just know I don’t want to live here for the rest of my life, as doesn’t my partner, so what’s the point in wasting time here to prove to others that we ‘gave it more time’. Also re: other places in Australia, we obviously considered this, but although moving to a different oz location would have addressed some of our oz ‘cons’, it would have still favoured the U.K. as most were Australia wide things.

    I spent a lot of money on my visa, which is a bit depressing, but I have A). learnt a lot about myself, what’s important to me, and my character; B). challenged myself on a personal level to relocate across the world; C). learnt a valuable lesson about the grass not being greener all the time and the lesson of being contempt in some situations; D). made new friends; E). added to my CV and will likely come back with money in the bank by the time I come back due to better wages here; F). scratched an itch I think would have always been there if I hadn’t have tried it, and now gives me clarity to set other goals like buying a house and get my roots down; G.) had the joy of experiencing another country and culture (and I will be making the most out of it - I want to stress that I’m not depressed over here and will ensure my time over here is positive, I just don’t think it’s for me long-term so don’t see the point in staying past the point where I’ve seen everything I wanted to see just to prove something, as we’ll then start to distance ourselves from the U.K. and probably find it harder to move back). Just wish I’d have got a WHV... 😂

    • Like 3
  10. Hey,

    I was granted a 100 perm visa and moved to Oz about three months ago, but I have come to the realisation that it’s not for me (and ironically it’s not for my Australian partner even more so!). This post isn’t really a discussion on my decision, but I don’t think Australia is a bad place at all and would suit a lot of people moving over, but just not for me.

    My question: if I move back to the U.K., can I ‘keep’ my permanent visa status? You never know what might change in life and whether my priorities will change later down the line so just want to know. My understanding was that I could apply for citizenship within a certain amount of years or I could have just paid a nominal fee (I think $300) every 5 years for a resident return visa? If I just kept paying the resident return visa every 5 years would I effectively keep my 100 permanent residency visa status? And does this matter if I’m ‘offshore’?


  11. Hey,

    Looking for an easy way to get gifts to relatives in the U.K. that doesn’t involve having to post them from Australia.

    What do people do on here?

    Amazon UK site and then delivery from there? (Assume you need UK debit card for this?)

    Gift vouchers for everyone?! 😂 Assume I still have the same problem though as would need to be U.K. based companies and they wouldn’t come wrapped.

    I’m quite new here and don’t really want the additional stress of posting Xmas presents by due dates etc. So any ideas would be appreciated!

  12. Hi all,

    After months / years of anticipation, I landed in Australia yesterday. What an emotional rollercoaster the past week and especially yesterday, but feel better today after a good sleep in a bed after the long flight!

    Anyway... I’m looking to understand how MediCare works. I’m on a subclass 100 partner visa, so I’m entitled to join. Do I do this at a centrelink?

    I have a prescription medication I need to take. The doctor in the U.K. provided bulk prescription before I left which should last a while, but would rather sort out new prescription in Aus sooner rather than later, so how do I go about finding a doctor? Is there a website or something? And do I need to wait till Medicare sign-up is complete before I can do this?

    Any help appreciated (looks like this forum is going to be invaluable not only at visa application stage, but also for things like this too - a great place for advice!)

  13. 17 minutes ago, zpo said:

    I'm jumping on this thread, hope you don't mind.  My partner's check will come back NO LIVE TRACE but are we correct in thinking this is NOT a conviction so can tick no for criminal convictions?  Or do we need to tick yes and outline the details of the caution from  20 years ago?

    It’s my understanding that no live trace just means it’s not on your record anymore due to rehabilitation act. Still means you have convictions in the eyes of Australia.

    I would be transparent about everything. As my case above, if it states no live trace they will request further details.

    A caution won’t be a problem though. My visa was granted shortly after this thread.

  14. 3 hours ago, Askem81 said:

    Congratulations Oliver 27! ??We lodged my husband’s visa about 3 weeks ago - can’t wait! How long before a case officer was allocated for you? We have lodged a complete application, have been married for 8 years, kids etc...I hope ours is as quick! Enjoy Aus!! ?

    Thank you! :)

    Case Officer was assigned quickly, about 2 weeks I think.

    Again, applying from UK

  15. Ok thanks. Just so I’m understanding correctly...

    I plan to move to Australia in mid October this year and settle (rent and eventually buy, job, etc.).

    I’m able to travel freely (no more than 90 days a time) for 5 years. E.g. I plan to holiday in New Zealand, Fiji, Bali, Japan, etc. Probably no longer than 2 weeks a time really.

    After the 5 years I’m not able to holiday, unless I’ve been granted the RRV, or unless I’ve obtained citizenship.

    Assuming the above situation is right, would that meet the requirements for an RRV?

    Anything that deviates from this and causes complications (e.g. I live offshore Australia for more than 90 days) I would probably seek more information at the time. But this isn’t the plan - just a simple migration and but with holidays obviously whilst I live there :)

  16. 1 hour ago, Jon the Hat said:

    Congratulations!  Did you get any requests for additional information or was it granted straight away?

    I was requested medical and police form. Then a statement about past convictions. Then the police dept in U.K. requested my authorisation to verify my statement.

    All of our relationship evidence was fine, but did submit a lot of stat decs from family and friends and a lot of other evidence that clearly indicates we’d been in a relationship for a number of years.

    • Like 1
  17. Hey,

    I was granted a 100 visa yesterday :) but have a few questions:

    - there is a ‘for first entry, arrive by’ date, which is self explanatory (must arrive and activate visa no later than this date), but then there is a ‘must not arrive after’ date, which is exactly 5 years from date of visa granted. I’ve done a bit of research but just want to confirm: this means I can travel freely in and out of Australia up until this date, where then for travel outside of Oz I must apply for a Resident Return Visa to be allowed back into the country?

    - how is my visa activated? Do I need to do anything or do I just have the visa now? Is it associated with the electronic part of my passport, or do I need to print this visa out? It was just attached as a pdf to an email.

    Thanks for your advice:)

  18. Also, how long would you say after this stage is the visa granted? I assume this is the last step. The police department have confirmed they have communicated to the CO, so just waiting on the CO. I know this could be how long is a piece of string, but any trends observed on this forum from U.K. applicants who have to cover the past convictions process?

  19. 2 hours ago, Nemesis said:

    That's what I've always seen people reporting - they send the ACRO report for the basics, then the Subject Access for the details. 

    Ah ok. So this way they’re just asking the police department to verify as opposed to asking applicant to provide the ‘raw’ details.

    I guess they may be doing it due to data protection implications then, or it may just be more efficient to ask the police department to verify instead of providing a full subject access request which takes time to prepare and I’m guessing a bit of time to interpret for the CO.

    In the past was it protocol to ask for the subject access details after a statement? Or just for a chosen few?

  20. 3 hours ago, Nemesis said:

    That would only affect the right of the UK to release the info to Australia though. And it doesn't seem like that has changed as they still asked for your permission so you are aware of what they are releasing.

    It would need a change of policy on the behalf of Australian Immigration to now be going direct to the UK police, without letting you know that they are doing so 

    Interesting.....and potentially concerning!

    Hmm I don’t know. It seems obvious to me that they would need a way to confirm what I had written in my statement was true. Else I could have written anything I guess! How did they confirm that previously?

  21. 1 hour ago, Nemesis said:

    Interesting. Never come across it or seen it mentioned before, as police check info is all supposed to go through the subject (ie, you) not direct but maybe they are changing their policies. Always before people have been asked to go back themselves and get offence details.

    My partner made a good point - she said the data protection legislation changed in January and maybe it has something to do with that.

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