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Posts posted by christinegeo

  1. I could be wrong, but based on visa trends i feel like they pick up "months" from half way onwards. So I think they will be finishing up mid april to mid may now... and next week or week after they will start mid may to mid june.


    Ive just been keeping an eye on this forum for months now and that seems to be the trend. We may start to see June applications being approved next week or the week after.

  2. Welcome back christinegeo yea really hoping something will happen soon :)



    thanks, I've been on holiday overseas for 3 weeks so tried to not think about it!


    and for anyone asking... so long as you're not on your bridging visa yet.... its ok to go overseas, I had no visa issues as my 457 is still valid

  3. Everyone is different some people are luckier than others. My crystal ball has my PR granted on September 17th... 14 weeks after lodging haha


    Did you use a MA? I didn't. HR at my work uploaded some things and I uploaded the rest.


    :) hopefully my be in the 3-4 weeks it's our turn what's say??
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