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  1. Hi everyone, I’m new here and any advice would be grateful. I am an Australia citizen and my partner is from the UK and is on a working holiday visa 417 on his 2nd year, which ends in December 2015. We have been together for 9 months and he has been living in victoria for 10 months. What are the chances of receiving a de-facto partner visa 820 if we register our relationship in Victoria and waive the 12 month period? We don’t live together as I’m a student and I cannot afford it, we don’t have a joint back account but do help each other out with expenses and have a lot of evidence of photos, texts, phone calls and holiday tickets. He has thought about a skilled visa 189, would that be better than a partner visa? He has also looked into sponsorship jobs, but there aren’t many in his field of work. I don’t have the best understanding of how visa’s work so any advice would be very helpful thank you
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