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Everything posted by smoggy

  1. Hey Carmac do you happen to know if this applies to college eligibility? 16-18
  2. thanks for your advice very much appreciated
  3. I hear you but also we have lived experience when moving from nz to oz when our eldest was 16, he found it too hard to adapt hence the reason he has gone back to uk. mind you I must say we were all miserable in the first couple of years here, so that didn't help. we were thinking about staying for him to complete year 10 or even yr 12 (if I could stick it that long) but then I was hearing something about not being eligible for uni support as have not been in the uk for two years prior to starting uni??? have you heard about that
  4. thank you so much its great to hear from someone who lived it, how long where you away for?
  5. Hi everyone long story short after 12 years away we are certain we ve had enough our eldest has now moved back he is 20. We went back for xmas last year and confirmed that we do want to be back there. However our secound rldest has just turned 14. I was looking at some other posts and was confused as to whats best for him ie go end of this year and start his gcse a term later than his peers or wait until he has completed year 10 here and will be 16. And then apply straight to college. Any words of wisdom please. Been home sick for years only now have the guts to make some changes
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