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Posts posted by Aussiegirl

  1. We we haven't really told to many people apart from close family and friends, and not even put on Facebook , due to my partners job ,like you pokies don't want to rock the boat till we have too. So when we put it on ,after OH send his notice in, and then put on Facebook, won't be to long after that we will go. So looks like May-June then or before we live in hope


    How on earth have you kept that secret!



    Lol! You're not the only one Jaclyn!! We have only told immediate family and the friends who wrote declarations for us as part of our application. Neither of us have told anyone at work, as we didn't want it to affect any opportunities that might arise. It's been a hell of a secret to keep and at times difficult when people are making plans and sending out invites! I suspect most people will be shocked when we tell them, as they have just assumed we will always live in the UK!

  2. Thats good jen did you have to go for an interview for them, you probably have said


    Hi Bound4Tassie when we applied for citizenship by descent for the kids it took just over a month till we got the certificates so hopefully you will get yours soon.


    We've just applied for the passports last week all went well and had an email today saying they have been processed and should be with us soon...


    Now all we need is the visa to be granted board of waiting now.....

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