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Marilyn Dunlap

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  1. So if I'm understanding correctly, the fastest way to per mental migrate from California to Sydney is with the Contributory Parent visa, which is currently $50,000?
  2. My son received his partner visa last year and should be notified shortly to apply for residency. I am his Last Remaining Relative and currently live in California. I am desperately wanting to move to Sydney before the grandchildren start coming . . . I will also need to sell my house and retire from my current job. Are there steps to help this permanent move take place faster, like a temporary visa to begin with? I don't want to have to return to the states and wait for the LLR to be approved. I am 54 years old so I don't believe I qualify for a skilled worker sponsorship, even though I will be getting a job once I settle over there. Help!
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