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Everything posted by poppy5

  1. many thanks for all the information, I will look into it all, cheers
  2. Hi I am a 47 year old Agricultural Engineer with my own contracting business in the UK which ive been running for over 25yrs, I'm also a qualified welder and digger driver, can anyone tell me if there is any work opportunities for someone with my experience in Australia? Experience in baling, ploughing, shed building, concreting, repairing machinery etc and all aspects of farm work, many thanks for any information.
  3. Hi can anyone tell me if they have used a company called Migrateme.com and if so how did you get on, many thanks
  4. Hi thanks for the info, I was under the impression that you had to have a job offer before you where actually given the 457 visa is that the case, or did you just go out on a visitors visa first and find work then apply for the 457?, we are still in the UK and trying to find the best option for coming over as we don't meet the points requirements.
  5. Hi there thanks for the info, I don't meet the points required to get in so this looks like it might be my only option
  6. Looking to see what the possibilities are for Agricultural contractor in SA, I have 25 yrs + experience in all aspects of farming, any information would be greatly appreciated
  7. Hi there sorry cant help with your question but hopefully you can maybe help me with some info, think maybe a 457 might be our only option for coming to oz can you tell me if trying to secure work for this kind of vias was difficult.
  8. Thank you everyone for all your advice, although massage therapist is on the list, there is no state sponsoring that profession at the moment, I will enquire about the business visa option tho, any other ideas will be greatly appreciated, many thanks to all who replied.
  9. Hi can anyone give us a glimmer of hope, husband and I both 46 don't meet the points requirements, agricultural contractor and massage therapist, would love a permanent move to Adelaide, I have family there and my husband has family in Sydney, is there anything we can do at all, we are both self employed, what about starting up in business??? Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated, thanks.
  10. poppy5

    Visa Help!!

    Many thanks, I spoke to them on the phone tonight very helpful, but i think we have a long and hard road ahead, thanks again.
  11. poppy5

    Visa Help!!

    Hi, thanks for your reply, we have just spoke with an emigation group who where really helpful it seems that the 457 route is the one we would need to go down but finding work and sponsorship is not easy, feeling a bit disheartented at the moment, altho massage is on the CSOL there is no state looking for therapists at the moment, so my husband will be the one who would need to find sponsorship. Good luck to you with your application, let me know how you go.
  12. poppy5

    Visa Help!!

    Many thanks for that advice, I am going to contact the agent that my brother used and was very pleased with, I just hope there is something we can do to improve our points, really wish I had known about the points for age before now and we could have started the ball rolling sooner, extremely frustating! Glad I found this site, everyone has been so helpful, many thanks again and we will certainly look into the options you have mentioned.
  13. poppy5

    Visa Help!!

    Hi there and many thanks for your reply any help I can get is much appreciated, unfortunately my brother has only been out there for a year so isnt eligable to sponsor me, but I am looking into further options, many thanks again.
  14. poppy5

    Visa Help!!

    Hi wondered if anyone could give me some advice, my brother and his family are currently living in Adelaide and have been there for just over a year, my husband and I and our 9yr old would like to follow them out there. Trouble is I am 45 and he is nearly 46, Im a qualified massage therapist but with only 4yrs experience, my husband is an agricultural contractor running his own business, do we have any hope at all, as ive been told although the age limit has been raised to 50 that once you are 45 you get zero points for age, neither of us have a degree although we do have other qualifications, any advice would be much apprecialte.
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