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Everything posted by bobfromdinaspowys

  1. Thanks to all who have replied. Yes I could use any of the transfer companies -, Banks, peer to peer organisers etc., but for the same reasons that I did my own conveyancing when I bought my block, namely, to save a few dollars but also to learn what is involved in the "professional" service provided, I was just investigating if anyone of a like mind was interested in doing a currency swap. I understand the concern that some may have about whether or not I am legitimate/honest, thats natural. I can only say that if you are considering this I am sure that these can be overcome, and if not Hey, don't worry about it, just don't proceed and feel free to post your Legitimate concerns based on fact and I will be more than happy to respond. Some background to the fees involved. Figures from an exchange site this am. AUD 100,000 at mid market rate = GBP 51,268-53 after they take a cut GBP 50,950-00 FEE GBP 318-53/ AUD 621-00 GBP 52,000 " " " = AUD 101,382-95 after they take a cut AUD 100,755-20 FEE AUD 627-75 total cost for two parties AUD 1248-75 Now I have a rough Idea how long it takes me to earn $600-00 and if I can save that using a computer in my free time I would like to. Once again thanks to all who have taken the time to respond. Regards, Bob
  2. Like I said Jonny, new to this!! it just goes to show how how one person says something can be interperated in a different way by someone else. I would think that the best course would be to swap several smaller amounts rather than one large sum. this would limit risk as I see it. Regards, Bob
  3. Hi Jonny, excuse me, new to this. I should clarify, I would expect the appropriate exchange rate, (i think it's called the mid market rate), to be used, not one for one. That way both parties benefit. Regards, Bob
  4. Thanks for the clarification Freckleface, no illegal activity involved, all income declared on tax return, just not brought over due to fees involved in bringing several amounts over instead of one transfer. Thanks again, Bob
  5. Why is it illegal? Currency fair, wesell etc. are doing this but taking a cut in the process.
  6. yes Bill, but life is full of risk. I would make sure the id and location of the other person were proven and possible police clearence. Just seeing if there is any interest. Regards, Bob
  7. Hi All, been in Aus. for 18 years and loving it. have accumulated some funds in uk and looking to bring some over. is anyone interested in a direct swap Aus. dollars for GBP.
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