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Posts posted by kazb67

  1. Have you checked to see whether they are even worth importing?  Most cars aren't, because of all the compliance costs and hassle.  It's got to be a pretty special car to be worth taking. 

    Yes, we think both are worth bringing. We couldn’t afford the equivalent once we move over. Iron Chef thinks that they may be able to help 🤞🏻
  2. We have a family car which I drive daily, Volvo XC90.

    My partner is supplied with a works van. He also has a Ducati which he rides in better weather.

    Im a stay at home mum so they were both just registered in his name when we bought them & I know you can only import 1 registered vehicle every 5 years.

    I applied for the 2 permits explaining the situ but they have been intouch & confirmed that only 1 vehicle can be imported.


    Has anyone been in this situation & successfully imported 2 vehicles?

  3. We have a family car which I drive daily, Volvo XC90.
    My partner is supplied with a works van. He also has a Ducati which he rides in better weather.
    Im a stay at home mum so they were both just registered in his name when we bought them & I know you can only import 1 registered vehicle every 5 years.
    I applied for the 2 permits explaining the situ but they have been intouch & confirmed that only 1 vehicle can be imported.

    Has anyone been in this situation & successfully imported 2 vehicles?

  4. Our shipping agent won’t allow us to confirm/accept their quote until we have VIP which is totally understandable.

    Started to apply but fell at the 1st hurdle [emoji20] They ask for supporting docs to total 100 points, before you can continue with the application, these include employment resignation, house sale, evidence of applying for Aus bank account/tax code/Medicare etc. We’ve not got ANY of those things yet as our house is just about to go on the market & we won’t officially resign until it sells. We’ve not applied for any bank accounts etc as we thought it’d just be best to do it all once we arrived.

    Anyone else come across this & how did you get around it?

  5. It will be fine, you will just need to supply your marriage certificate as part of the documents. Your address on your driver's licence presumably matches your partner's address on the V5C, so you should be fine to bring both.

    We’re not married although we supplied all relevant docs to prove we were a family in order to get our visa.
    Yes, all addresses match.

    Thanks for replying [emoji846]
  6. We are moving to Melbourne from Scotland in Jan/Feb & want to ship our car & bike.

    Volvo XC90, 2015, 24861 miles & Ducati Multistrada 1260 Pikes Peak, 2018, 1604 miles.

    I can see though that you can only import 1 registered vehicle per year. My partner deals with the buying & registering of cars so theyre both in his name even although I use the volvo daily.

    Is there any way around this?

  7. We’re moving to Melbourne Jan/Feb & was about to start applying for import permits.

    We want to bring Volvo XC90, 2015, 24861 miles & Ducati Multistrada 1260 Pikes Peak, 2018, 1604 miles.

    I’m a stay at home mum so my partner always deals with purchasing/registering vehicles. I drive the Volvo daily but from what I can see you can only import 1 registered vehicle each.
    He’s the registered keeper of both. Is there any way around this or are we going to have to pick between them?!?! [emoji15] i think he’ll be rather upset at leaving his bike [emoji51]

  8. Thankyou for sharing your experiences.

    My OH thought it best to get a holiday rental closer to the suburbs we liked the look of but I was swaying more towards closer to the city.

    Suppose if we went to the suburb though it would also give him a better feel for travelling to & from work aswell as myself & son getting a feel for how we’d settle.


    We’re just desperate to get out & start the next adventure in our lives!

  9. Myself, OH, toddler & dog will be moving to Melbourne on a PR visa.

    We’ve been to WA a few times & were all set to go there however jobs for my OH seem more plentiful in VIC. Unfortunately neither of us have visited before so are just researching online.

    We THINK we’ve chosen Frankston as the suburb that we’d like to rent longer term, however we’ll have a good rummage around when we arrive to see how it feels.


    When we arrive we’re thinking about finding a house closer to the CBD for approx 1 month. This allows us to be close to the city so that OH can get to potential job interviews without travelling too far & allows us to explore suburbs round about. We had initially thought about a holiday caravan/cabin park so as there were plenty of things to do literally on the doorstep for our toddler whilst my OH is out job hunting, we also won’t necessarily have a car right away either.


    Id appreciate hearing your experiences .....

    Where did you stay when you 1st arrived, location/property type? 

    Anything you’d do differently if you had to do it again?

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