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Everything posted by MelanieJS

  1. As above, what are your thoughts about moving money from UK to Australia - is the exchange rate good?
  2. Hi, I need to transfer money from UK to Australia. I have used Moneycorp, who were fine but that was two years ago. Can anyone recommend others and why? TIA
  3. Hi, We have the money from the sale of our house in our UK bank account and will be moving it over to Oz when we buy a house here. However, with everything going on in the UK with Brexit etc. and the dropping £pound, is it better to move our money over now rather than wait in the hope the £pound gets stronger? Any advice? Thanks
  4. MelanieJS


    I'm sure they will both be fine. I picked mine up from the airport and we went to the park and it was like she hadn't even done two flights and 10 days' quarantine. Where are going to/living in Oz?
  5. MelanieJS


    I spoke to Chris today and I am definitely going to use them. He gave me good advice, so hopefully my two girls can come over earlier than having to wait 6 months. Good luck with your dogs' flight tomorrow. Mine have already done the flight before and they were fine. x
  6. MelanieJS


    I am more than happy to pay extra - I think I will give them a call and see if I can use them instead. Thanks for the advice
  7. MelanieJS


    OMG! That is terrible. However careful we are, as owners, to be organised etc. it seems it is the vets that make silly mistakes. Our vet will now be paying over £4k for our dog to stay at carers for 6 months - just because of getting a digit wrong. Apparently, our vet spoke to Airpets who we are using. I emailed Airpets too but the girl who is dealing with sending the dogs over is so lacklustre in replying, it is ridiculous. I have sent her two emails recently and hasn't responded to either. I may request a different handler anyway. I wanted to use Golden Arrow but it was too far for the carers to drive to take the dogs. I know they could meet them at Heathrow but Airpets collect from home and I used them before.
  8. MelanieJS


    Imapla - I'm hoping to persuade the Oz side to allow my dog to have another blood test and if that is fine, have another blood test about 6 weeks later. Hoping that if they are both above the required level then they will allow her to go. They have said that they have never heard of it happening before and it is bizarre that the level is so different only 4 months later. Both my dogs have travelled to Oz already in 2015. My carers will look after both dogs for the whole 6 months which is a relief but it is a lot of money £4k+ for 1 dog. The vets will be paying for Maisie and we will have to pay for our other dog Mabel. Mabel is fine to fly but I couldn't separate them as Mabel relies on Maisie too much. It is a nightmare I could do without.
  9. MelanieJS


    They were meant to fly out at the end of August so they were going to stay with carers for 6 weeks but I doubt they can look after them for the whole 6 months as they will have other bookings. The vet is looking into every avenue but it doesn't look like it.
  10. MelanieJS


    I'm devastated. My dogs had their rabies blood tests in February, both results were fine. However the vet missed off 1 digit of one of my dog's microchip when completing the form. I was told my dog had to have another blood test (which came back lower than that the required amount). Just been told today that my dog has to start the process again and cannot fly for another 6 months. We leave on 1st August due to my partner's job and we have to leave one or both of our dogs here for 6 months. I'm gutted and angry that the vet's lack of concentration has caused this.
  11. MelanieJS

    RRV- wife

    I was on a RRV and had to return to UK as my mum is terminally ill. I have just applied for another RRV and it was approved within 3 days.....it is a 1 year RRV.
  12. I bought my Samsung Smart TV (series 6) back to the UK from Australia. Do you know if I can use it in the UK? Does anyone know how to change the location settings or do I have to change the DNS settings? I can still watch the Smart Hub online channels All 4/ITV Hub/BBC iplayer etc., it just won't allow me to tune in UK channels. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance
  13. Contact Airpets. We used them when we took our 2 dogs and they were great. I didn't think it was complicated. You just have to put all the dates they need vaccines etc. on a calendar, that way you won't miss one and be on schedule. Get all your paperwork organised and in order. It is all about organisation and preparation.
  14. Unfortunately no coin and if I did, it probably wouldn't help - I would probably second guess that too lol.
  15. 'Bye Grey Sky' - you have actually really helped me with your responses. I think that I am just over-panicking. I think my partner would prefer to be here for another 8-10 years and then want to go back. I just don't want to stay here and by doing that scuppering my chances of moving back to Oz.
  16. Wouldn't one of my significant ties be that my partner is Australian and if they move to Oz, I would go too? This is one of my issues re pension. I'm trying to weigh up whether it is better to move over to Oz now so I have 20 odd years to put into a superannuation.
  17. Thanks for all your responses. Outdoors living - I used to run in the UK but I hated running in the cold and rain. I didn't have the 'get up and go' to do it most of the year. In the summer, (on the odd warm days) I was fine. I know that running in Brisbane in the summer will probably not happen as I'll be too hot lol but the rest of the year will be more suitable to me. RRV Visa - Is it likely that they will be making it harder for people to return on an RRV/Spouse Visa? This is my issue too - we definitely want to be in Oz in 10 years time. The dilemma is whether we go back now so I can get my citizenship and stick at it or stay here for the time-being. 'Gbye Grey Sky' has me worried that I won't be able to get a visa in future. Job - This is worrying to think that I will struggle to get a job at 50! I'm not bothered about staying in my current job area - my skills are transferrable but now I'm worried about getting a job. I found we have a bigger friend basis in Brisbane, plus two of my oldest friends have just moved there too. Whereas here, we don't meet up with our friends that often due to location and them being busy with their children etc. There are good and bad points about both places - it is trying to work out what we want now. Thanks for all your helpful posts x
  18. Thanks Bungo! It is bloody hard and I envy all those people who hate either UK or Oz and can happily settle in their chosen country. Thankfully we don't have children as that is more expense plus having to think of education. In some ways it would be easier to stay in the UK, buy another house and be mortgage free in 10 years and then think about going back to Oz. Then I think about the 10 years of lifestyle I'm cheating myself out of in Oz lol. I was on an RRV so hopefully I will be able to get another one in 10 years time. I would still have personal ties as my partner is an Australian citizen and we will have been together for 26 years by then. Again, I'm worried in case I wouldn't be able to get another one and should I go now - it never ends.
  19. Hi all, I am an avid reader of this site but have never posted before. However, I'm in a dilemma and need some proper advice! I lived in Brisbane for a few months and didn't settle. Nor did my partner who is Australian but has lived for many years in London/Surrey. I think both of us were in shock and never really gave it a good go. We were out of our comfort zone and just wanted our old lives back (even though we left UK for a better outdoors lifestyle). We both were shocked at how quiet it was (probably because there are less people compared to overpopulated London/Surrey. We do have a good group of friends in Brisbane and two of my oldest friends have just moved and we probably a better social life than here in UK. Over a few months I grew to like Brisbane and enjoy the laid back way of life although I hadn't worked there. My partner however still wanted to return to UK. Another point is that my mother isn't very well and her health isn't going to get better, only worse. It looks like she won't be around for many years. We are currently in the UK, my partner is work and I have a job interview tomorrow. However, we are both unsure on whether we should stay here or go back! Since being back, my partner can see aspects of UK life in a different light and can see the benefits of Aussie life, however she can't make a decision one way or the other. She wants to stay here and she wants to go back. I obviously have the pull of my family here but also this is my home and what I'm used to.......meaning back in my comfort zone. However, starting a new job feels me with dread (both here and in Oz) and although I'm good at what I do, I struggle with nerves. We both eventually want to return to Oz though and don't want to retire in the UK. We aren't sure if we should stay for a year or two or go back after 10 years when I'm 50 and my partner is 56. Obviously going back and forth isn't great on finances and I just want my life back and get a house and fill it with my furniture which is still in storage. I'm worried about whether I would get a job at 50 in Brisbane. Also, is it better to complete my 30 years stamp here or go to Aus and have at least 25 years superannuation? I'm worried about if we go into a recession here and also if Oz goes into a recession. Or do we just make the move (again) and stick with it? I'm not sleeping and feel stressed all the time and we just keep having the same 'discussion/conversation' but not getting any resolution. My brain is frazzled and now I'm rambling. If anyone can offer advice, that would be great.
  20. We lived in Hendra and there were so many toads in the evening. We had two dogs and were so worried as they are poisonous to dogs. Are all the suburbs in Brisbane overrun with toads? Is there anything you can do to deter them etc? Thanks
  21. Hi all, Thanks for all your responses. Firstly, we did return to the UK. I wanted to stay in Australia by the end but my partner had been offered a job until end of July. I think we were both in panic mode but being back my partner has seen UK in a different light. We have always liked Sydney so are just discussing about the possibility of moving there. Job prospects are better for me in Sydney than in Brisbane anyway. Secondly, our dogs are our importance so I would always check with vets plus the pet carriers (Airpets) first. Thirdly, we paid the rent in the end. I felt too guilty (although there was a health & safety issue with the front door which the agents 'brushed under the carpet'). Fourthly, my partner is Australian and did her original teaching degree in Oz but has taught in UK for the past 18 years. She is currently deputy head of special needs so would be looking for something similar or head of year. She also taught in Brisbane this year. Fifthly (?), we would want restaurant/cafes/pub etc in any suburb we were living as that is where we would hope to mainly socialise. We would not be going into Sydney every time we were going out. Thanks for all your responses and I hope I cleared up some of the queries.
  22. My partner (Australian) and I (British) are thinking of moving to Sydney. My partner is a teacher, so can work all over Sydney and I am in broadcasting so I will probably work in the CBD. We don't want to be right in the city but we want to be able to access the Sydney centre easily (train/bus) for nights out. We are looking for an area that has a selection of bars/restaurants/cafes plus parks for our two dogs. We will look to rent first but also plan to buy eventually (and don't want to live in a shoebox but also not a mansion lol). Any area suggestions??
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