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Mr and Mrs Holmesy

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Everything posted by Mr and Mrs Holmesy

  1. Any grants lately? Anyone know which months are being processed/granted at the moment?
  2. Blood test, chest x-ray, tests which check cognitive functioning/ability (touching finger from nose to outstretched arm for example), eye test (similar to optician), urine test, feel of stomach for any hernias, checked glands in neck....think this was it. To be honest I fainted after the blood test and it was all a bit of a blur! All passed and fine ?
  3. It didn’t take long to get invited at all- it was about 4 days I think. Great that you can go on your husband’s skills and I guess you will be able to add 5 points for your skills too! Sorry to hear you have struggled to find work....I only qualified in 2017 and have been working whilst waiting for skills assessment etc. Keep me posted on your progress- I’m sure you will be invited very soon- keep positive!
  4. Just waiting now for visa! Police checks uploaded and medicals done- submitted visa application on the 2nd July so in for a long wait yet. Although I think we are used to patiently waiting after the AASW processing time! We have applied to NSW (Northern Inland) for a 489 visa. How is all of your things going? Have you made a start now?
  5. I received an invite for Northern Inland within a week (although my agent said to expect a wait of up to 8 weeks). This was on 26th June- just before the points increase on 1st July....I only had 60 points so I made it just in time!
  6. I had mine done by a solicitor- and you're right it was an expensive process! I know on the Facebook page 'UK social workers wanting Oz' , some people have used other social workers and these have apparently been accepted. I just wanted to make sure I did everything 'by the book' as I didn't want to run the risk of it not being accepted as I was on a tight timescale. Good luck with it ?
  7. Think for visa-wait time is currently stated as 9-12 months. Good luck with your application ?
  8. Hello, Very pleased to be joining the 489 gang...? Submitted application for a 489 to NSW on 2nd July (Northern Inland)
  9. Did you manage to get your EOI in before they changed to 65 points....? Oh goodness- yes- fingers crossed....
  10. Yes- we were originally looking to put an EOI in for far south coast but they changed from 65 to 60 points the day after I had received my skills assessment back...! ? I have submitted an EOI for a different region in NSW now. I am awaiting 1st July's changes and watching from behind a cushion ?
  11. Thank you! Yep, feels good and slightly surreal to be able to submit an EOI now....good luck to you guys too
  12. I have received a positive skills assessment outcome- 31 weeks after lodging. Pleased though.......!
  13. Just wondered if anyone has had a positive skills assessment from Australian Association of Social Workers ( AASW) recently? I am now on week 29 of my wait....
  14. Hi there, 

    Was just wondering if you made the move? I know you were looking at Tamworth NSW...

    We are more than likely going to head to Tamworth ourselves and just wanted to see how you were finding it.



    Mr and Mrs H

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