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Posts posted by Shirt75

  1. You say that you expect to get your 801 in May, so I assume your eligibility date was some time early/mid 2015? From what I've read on forums, 801 visas are taking 12-15 months now due to huge backlogs, so it may take longer than you're expecting.


    I'd think it's easier to apply for the 445 so she can then get the 801 at the same time you do, but I don't know much about the 445 other than what I've read on the DIBP website. However waiting for your 801 to be granted and then applying for a child visa separately would likely take a lot longer.


    I got the 820 in may 2014 but if it's taking that long will look into applying for the 445. I will have to go to a migration agent and find out the best way forward. There isn't much info on 445 on forums etc that's why I came on here. Thanx for the advice.

  2. im not sure whether she can be added to your visa as a dependent or if she needs her own. Either way, as she's over 16 she'll need a medical and uk police check, so it won't be an immediate process. This is a useful example for anyone applying for a visa... Put your dependents on at the outset, very easy to have a quick holiday to validate, less easy to try and add them on after!


    As she is under 18 she can be added as a dependant and yeah good advice on should have put her on in the first place but you live n learn. Thank you for the advice l really appreciate you taking your time to reply. Fingers crossed it will get sorted.

  3. If your PR partner visa is granted you will need to apply for the Child 101 or 802(onshore) visa for her, these are PR visas also.

    Both the 445 and 101 cost the same, but the child 101 has a processing time around 7-9 months, so might be after to add now as dependent to your partner visa, so could arrive sooner.


    best speaking to registered migration agent on best way forward.


    Thank you so much for the info just wasn't sure if I could apply soon after my getting my PR right now 445 might be too late as she needs police checks etc. I have till May so I left it too late.

  4. I have I have a burning query my daughter who is 16 has been living the the UK with her dad. She is now ready to join us here. I am on subclass 820 and get my permanent partner visa in May (fingers crossed). She is finishing off her GCSES and will be moving here permanently after. After looking on the net etc one option is to get a child visa subclass 445 which is temporary and will need to be added to my permanent one before I get it in May but since its too close to do that and also she is coming after I get my PR can I just wait and apply for hers in July and she automatically gets a permanent residency or it doesn't work that way?? Please help as if I need to apply for 445 it has to be asap.

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