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Posts posted by lp77


    @NicF i feel similar to you..(sorry jumping into thread) but I had kids and said 5yr plan, it ended up being 10yrs... Youngest child was 6when we moved... So hard taking kids away from my family but seeing the kids experiencing life here is fab. Life is what you make it wherever you are. Yes it can be stinky hot in summer and I miss my evening light till 11pm... But while you're young n kids young, enjoy the adventure and decide where u prefer. The opportunities I think are less than 20yrs ago and Australia is changing... Lots of nuances but tbh I think it's nice that shops close on Saturdays at 5pm .. Why should supermarkets n shopping centres open 24 hrs/12hrs/day..

  2. As previous people say depends where you work and what you like doing after school and weekends. We moved to South GC in January, renting in robina bought land in gilston to build. Love my bush outlook but maybe not when the wildlife visit.... Loving convenience of robina decent shops and hubby trains to Brisbane. Long day for him but kids at school in burleigh so we can go to beach or park after school and just signed them all up for nippers .

    Im glad we settled here but def would have considered tallebudgera valley and reedy creek / mudgeeraba in hindsight but looked at commute to Brisbane and beach and size of land we wanted...and gilston ticked boxes... Good luck

  3. You can also get british recipe kit kats in woolies. Miss mcvities ginger snaps..and proper Jaffa cakes.. Kids calpol etc honestly you miss some stuff and choke at the price of some stuff but you just accept it and get on with it. If you have kids and need school shoes maybe worth buying there... Clarks shoes here $$$ as some say bring bedding if bringing own beds... Good luck xx

  4. Hey guys, I thought I would pop back onto this thread with an update.


    We recieved our things on Thursday, so 7 weeks door to door. Our things arrived in Aus on the 27th, cleared on the 1st and got delivered on the 4th, not to shabby at all. None of our things were opened, not even the shoes or garden stuff. A little dissapointing after I spent hours cleaning and a small fortune on Jayes cleaning fluid, guess customs were just in a kind mood that day :cute: Kent relocations did the delivery on behalf of PSS and I am told by hubby that they were ok. They unpacked and assembled the big things, but did not unpack any of the small things. That said there was about 70 boxes, so who can blame them :rolleyes:


    Unfortunately after unpacking and examining everything over the weekend we have found that we have quite a few damages, so our next step is dealing with the insurance. We took insurance out with PSS as they assured me their insurance was easier to deal with if we needed to claim, we will see. I will keep the thread updated as we progress and on a positive note, I have my bed back :jiggy:


    Nightmare with claim... Hopefully people read this and take heed.. We insured through letton Percival at a fraction of the price of Anglo Pacific quote... Happy to say claim was put in paperwork returned and money deposited into our Australian account. The only delay we encountered was through ourselves returning the claim and pictures. Fingers x it all goes thru soon and no hassle x

  5. My hubby is Australian and we recently moved from the UK. He is in IT and is horrified that a country which prides itself on being a forward nation has shocking internet provision in suburban areas. Unfortunately unless you are in an NBN area then it may be a couple of years before you get it. ADSL is your only option. Even NBN has bad reviews. He admits internet in the UK is one win over Australia for access, speed and value for money. Looking forward to our house being built has it will be NBN ready

  6. The way I read it before we sold up was you couldn't leave your money in UK to gain on. Exchange rate... We thankfully moved money pre brexit vote and we moved money at different times... Figured we could explain using UK money to sort stuff there before moving it... Still got cash in UK account to pay credit cards n for holidays.. We'd be better moving our aus money to UK the now... We'd gain... We got a quote at 1.93 but within 24hrs it went to 2.03.... Hindsight is a wonderful thing.. But you can only do what is right for u at the time x tbh put the money in a long term savings account and benefit from interest rates in Oz compared to UK x

  7. I'll ask my hubby if he knows anyone local and reputations (he went to Cleveland state school and his brother went.... Another school) still have family n friends there. We had same situation as you.. Visited schools, loved a couple North Gold Coast but decided to live South Gold Coast.. One school couldn't promise a space for all our kids and the other school yep same as u could have been the lady doing the tour... Got home foned a school we had wanted to visit.... Really good vibe on the phone, had phone interview enrolled and accepted... Kids started in January. Everyone tells us it's a fab school thankfully.. But it is big n busy.. Took my middle one a while to settle but they are all happy. High school on site too, staff all lovely... Listen to your gut..

    When do u leave? Could u wait till you are over? Did u look at Lutheran schools? I always thought I'd send my kids to Carmel college... It's funny how you flip decisions...

  8. Glad you enjoyed your time at home. Yes life here is different and friends have a different history here compared to friends in UK, some from school... Where did you build your house? I do like GC and once we have our own place we shall see.. Hubby struggling to get job, been 3/4weeks now.... Hope you all settle back in ok in time for beautiful spring/summer weather x keep us posted x

  9. @Antipodista sorry to hear your dilemma. My hubby's family love kids but not as involved as my parents are. We've just moved to Oz, job situation not great for hubby and he now sees many benefits of life in UK, healthcare, bank charges... And he was never out of work for more than a week or two.

    what age are your kids? We love the beach and I love the weather we're in Queensland.

    no easy answer, I think we take access to Europe USA etc and UK for granted when living there but here you can visit Asia Pacific easily..

    before we left my friends said to me 'you've got to want it too' hubby n I met in UK and had chat before getting together n married. Then had kids and we set a 5yr plan to come to Oz and I pushed it back to 10yrs.. I would regret not trying it so we came over six months ago and kids took a while to settle and it's time for me to find my path now here. Miss my family n friends but happy here with hubby n kids. Cooking cleaning n shopping no different than home one of the Hardest thing (I imagine) as u found is unwell parent and being far away but you were able to get back.

    You can't sacrifice your own self/mental health and hope you find a compromise. As someone else said life happens and u need to look honestly at what you're gaining/losing in Oz/UK.

    Good luck hope it works out. Xx

  10. We had to pay an $800 deposit for hiring a car when my sister was out dos we lived so close to rental depot... Apex. Some are only $100 but if you live elsewhere it may be ok. I think if we'd done zero stars it may have been ok too. Hope that helps. Apex do an online chat x


    @Judan, if you think you will do some travel thru Asia prior to arriving in Australia nhs will do hep b and probably hep a. ( you can get a two in one with hep a/b x2 injections) My kids all got theirs as we planned a month in Asia which didn't happen. I paid for kids to have rabies shots before we got here as assume we'll visit places affected by rabies, obv not req for Oz.. Good luck x

  12. I'm currently doing my registration paperwork. Registration year runs June to June for all of Australia. I worked agency a long time ago in Adelaide then Brisbane. I left medical receiving in Glasgow to a private hospital, one nurse four patients. My friend had left acute surgical too. We thought staffing levels were amazing but I think the private sector is becoming more "tight" and cutting costs... I will see how it goes. Ppl I've met knew girls working in private hospitals and I think employment law here different.. So many ppl been fired and there is a who you know culture too. I'm hoping to do casual.. I worked in I u for ten years then a go surgery before I left... Don't know what to do now...

    where ru based doing acute medicine? Scotnurse91?

  13. We hired a car for about 6weeks and took time going round garages /dealers etc. it was end January sale so managed to get a decent deal. I was glad not to have the pressure for a few weeks and gave us time to run around. With three young kids we wanted a bigger car but knew we would need a second car at some point. Bought an x trail .. Love it. And it was only last week we got our second car. Been here since jan 7th. Tbh we would probably have tried to do single car longer but hubby out 7-7 and bit of a pest taking kids out at night. When it's bed time. My parents were over and my dad took me round looking gotta love parents.

    The reason we waited till few was cos we were waiting for our house sale to complete so wanted a smaller outlay initially. One of the garages offered us a loan car till we decided and could pay... Said get rid of the hire... Not a bad option but I wasn't. Sure of the car and would've felt pressured to buy then...

  14. We moved to South GGC. Renting in robina just now. Kids at Catholic school in burleigh. Friend staying at broadbeach sons school across from the beach

    my hubby has started work in Brisbane and leaves home at 710 am to catch train and gets home 7pm. Long day but we chose closer to beaches. I'm glad as had couple of play dates after school at the beach/rock pools south burleigh.

    Why not get a holiday let or house for a month if you moving in November. Look at schools and areas to live. Took us a while to find a rental but maybe we're too fussy .

    then decide on school and area? Expect to work in Brisbane and if you got GGC it's a bonus but traffic can be busy on Gc too.

    Our school is big and busy but kids happy now. And high school on same site.

    good luck you're moving when kids are good age. Our kids are 10/8/6. Years 4/3/1. Oldest ought to be in year 5but we kept her at same level as UK as she had only done 4 months of that year at home before we left.

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