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Posts posted by csi

  1. With IMMI having allocated some of the skilled migration visa's up to 31 October 2014, is the ENS 186 included in this?




    I guess that even if they may have allocated they'll be down the bottom of the to do list


    Hi Thomas, no ENS is not part of this - that's only GSM (189.,190) applications. 186 visa is second priority group after 187 (where as GSM is 5th or 6th)...ironically the current load of applications is so high for 186, that even with it being on a higher priority compared to GSM, it is far behind in allocations.

  2. Hi all,


    will be applying for 186 next month, 457 transitional stream,.......my employers sbs approval(standard business sponsorship approval)will be expiring in a few months,think april 2015,he doesnt want to renew it because he doesnt intend on sponsoring anybody this year.


    My quetion is ,does his sbs approval need to be renewed and active for my 186 application to be successful ??


    could someone please answer this query,thanx.


    Hi Jim


    The IMMI site says:


    The Employer Nomination Scheme visa (subclass 186) is for skilled workers who want to work in Australia. This visa involves a two-step process, firstly, nomination by an approved Australian employer and then an application under the nominated stream. It is part of the Permanent Employer Sponsored Visa programme.


    The statement nomination by an "approved" employer would imply that the employer needs to have SBS approval, however as your employer will have it at time of application but not at the time of approval - it would be best to call IMMI and clarify - as else you have the risk of losing the application fee.



  3. Hi


    Hi I have a question re the Uk Police check validity

    Police check expired 29/12/2014

    Nomination submitted May 2014 and approved August 2014

    Medicals completed September

    visa application submitted 10th Oct


    i still haven't heard and now worried it will be rejected due to police check which has since expired?

    What are the rules ? Valid at time of submission or approval?


    Many thanks


    Hey...the CO may still accept the same certificate as you have been living in AU since then I believe, there is no clear information regarding the validity expiration when the application is in process- probably it just depends on the CO. However, 1 thing should be for sure, if the CO doesn't accept the expired document he/she will first request for a new one from you and not reject the application outright, that would be insane!!

  4. Any one suggest me please do I need to lodge nomination and application together

    or keep few days in between 2 process ..which is better way ...any idea have any one in this forum...


    If you lodge together, you have the risk of losing the application fee if the nomination is rejected for any reason, on the other hand if you wait for the nomination to be approved to lodge the application, you may only lose the fee if your application itself is rejected - which is in your control more or less as against the nomination which is in employers control.


    The con is that if you wait for the nomination to be approved to lodge the application, the processing time will almost be double compared to if you lodge together.


    Hope it helps, if you have a MA you should consult him or her as they will be able to advise you best based on your individual circumstances.



  5. Hi Thomasowen, Jayzo - I understand it is a pre-screening of documents by CO support officers before a CO actually looks at the files. Not sure how quick anything will progress after this as that depends on the team the application is assigned to and their current load, I know people have been waiting for months even after this status change. Whatever be the case, it sure does gets you excited if you login everyday into your immiAccount to see something move!! Cheers

  6. Dear CSI

    i have done it... Thanks for your help. Just 1 question, Did your MA upload all documents for Nomination file ? or is he waiting for CO call to ask ?

    Thanks again


    Hi Vishal, glad I could help. My company or me did not use a MA. My HR department entered the Nomination application and I entered the Visa application. Both HR and me have uploaded all documents as per the checklist, just that my wife could not go through the Medicals as she is 3 months pregnant. I called Immi and they asked me to attach a health undertaking form 815, which I have done as well- let's see what the CO asks for when he reviews the application!!


  7. Hi CSI

    I have just ask to my MA and he tried to share nomination file but an error massage coming like "check the detail you entered" he show me the screan shot that all the detail was correct that mean i think not allowed to share nomination file for ordinary immi account holder. how did you get your nomination file?

    Hi Vishal


    HR Just entered my personal email registered with immi and my immiaccount username in the sharing screen as seen below, after that when I logged in I was asked if I was authorized to view this application, once I said yes I was able to see the application in my account, see screenshots below:

    Screenshot 2014-12-20 00.41.33.jpg

    Screenshot 2014-12-20 00.31.47.jpg

    Screenshot 2014-12-20 00.31.47.jpg

    Screenshot 2014-12-20 00.41.33.jpg

  8. Hi Yuki, you can't import applications into an immi account, that function was only for old applications when the new system was implemented. If you want see the application lodged from a different immi account under your own, the original immi account user has to share the application with you. This can be done under Actions-->Share, once the original account user clicks on share he will be asked to enter the email id of the user with him the application is to be shared, this should be your immi account email. Once done you will be able to see the application under your account as well.


    I asked my HR to share the nomination application with me using the same process and now I can see it under my account and track it whenever I want!

    Hope it helps, cheers

  9. Seems like my visa has been granted.... The immi account front page still says "In Progress" but the application page shows "Granted", no contact via email or other. I suppose KPMG might be giving me a call Monday ;-)


    Medicals submitted: 7 July 2014

    Nomination lodged: 8 August 2014

    VIsa Lodged: 8 August 2014

    Visa Granted: 28 November 2014


    good luck to everyone else on your journey.


    Congrats scott20298!!, May I check with you what documents were submitted by your company to prove the training benchmarks have been met - my company spent 6% on training last year, however it was all internal and HR is unsure what to submit as a proof of the same - will a letter from HR do.


    Enjoy Australia, cheers

  10. Hey Guys, do you know what documents are required with the nomination application by the employer to prove the Training Benchmarks - my employer spent around 6% on training in the past year, however has not attached any document to the app as it did not popup as a required or recommended document - they just attached the ones which were requested on the IMMI site after lodging the application.


    Does IMMI base it on the figures declared in the application or is there any specific document required?

  11. Hi All,


    I'm new to the forum and have recently lodge my PR application under the ENS TRT stream. I have a few questions and hoping that either of you could answer the same:


    1. Health Requirement: as my wife is Pregnant, she couldn't go through the Health checkup (Bupa Medical services told us that she will have to go through the medical after delivery and in the meantime just inform IMMI of the same), I researched online and found a pregnancy undertaking form 1392, filled it in an attached to the application - has anyone else done the same, is there anything additional required under the circumstances?


    2. Even though I have attached form 80 for all the applicants, I have not attached the police Clearance certificate, It shows as a recommended document on the application, does anyone know if these are required only when requested?


    3. I have attached all the required documents to the application, however the status still shows Required, is that usual or should it change to received?


    Your help is greatly appreciated,



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