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Everything posted by suzie1

  1. Yes it was definitely acceptable work.
  2. Hi, I am in Sydney on a subclass 417 WHV and have applied for my 2nd year WHV. Immi have asked for evidence of work so I have uploaded to my account bank statements, form 1263 and a bank authorisation form. I have completed 88 days farmwork in a regional area. I am still waiting for a reply and it's been nearly 3 weeks. They have put me on a bridging visa but my 1 years visa expires very soon. I have tried contacting by phone and was told to just wait for them to contact by email. Could anyone recommend someone to have a look at my application and check it before it is possible rejected. Thanks Suzie
  3. I am currently applying for a 2nd year WHV (subclass 417) and am in Australia. I have registered with immi.gov and completed my application but not yet submitted it. I have done my farm work and have form 1263 completed and signed. This information has been input on the online form. My question are: Do I pay for the application when I click submit application? Do I need to upload any documents at the time of the application or only if they are requested. What about the personal documents aswell ie passport/passport photo's/birth certificate etc What happens if the visa is not granted and I have paid the fee. Thanks Suzie
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